Determining Your Destiny through Spiritual Wellness
By Tonya Melendez
In life we are given various and diverse experiences, some bringing change, loss, love or rebirth, evolving with wisdom and time. Who we become as we evolve depends on our definitions of our destiny and how it is perceived.; feared or faithful? Are you resisting your destiny or running fully into it?
Spiritual wellness is how you perceive, practice and maintain your spiritual life, your intimate personal relationship with Spirit. How you move in the world is a direct reflection of your inner life.
Life Lessons
Experiences of life provide ample lessons, many of which we often wish we did not need to learn repeatedly, yet is often the hardest lessons or the strongest fears that we must grow past. Lessons are Spirit’s way of showing us what needs healing, forgiveness or release. Often they are deep wounds within us that have to dragged kicking and screaming from our experience to fully evolve to the next level within our destiny.
These exact lessons are essentially what evolve us to the next level of our spiritual understanding. More often than not, our lessons play a larger role in our healing and full life expression. Because ultimately we all want to be fully evolved, spiritually well, adults and human beings.. The lessons must be learned and experienced in order to express your best version of you.
Healing past your past
Often our history defines who we see ourselves in a period of our lives, a version of who we thought we were. Our history is the family we are born to, the karma we are expressing in this lifetime, our physical body, our emotional landscape; this is what makes our “story”. Healing your history depends if you are still expressing the wounds of a past or present life. If you are failing in relationships or are experiencing financial distress, here are probably wounds of unworthiness that are repeating in your present. Allowing this part of your history to heal unlocks virtually every other wound. Often these wounds are repeatedly being present in a variety of ways. The blessing that healing brings provides a means to your determining your destiny.
Determining your Destiny
Your life purpose, the reason you are here, and why, are questions we continually ask throughout life as we evolve into our Spiritual selves. It is this calling that allows the destiny to unfold, after the healing. Letting go of the “HOW” and allowing the “WOW”, you must be willing to let go of the history and it’s haunting to live the present fulfilled life. You have made it this far for a reason, which is more than survival. It is your destiny unfolding as you heal.
Determination is an action, it is the fire within that calls you to be more of who you are without apology, or need to prove yourself. It is surrendering to your acceptance of YOU.
Experiencing growth
Being your best version of you and experiencing growth is an everyday practice in self-love. Self-acceptance is the key to freeing yourself from the past, its freedom coming from your surrender of the “shoulda-woulda-coulda’s” in your life. Accept what is without expectations, let go of the “how”, allow Spirit to guide you to what’s next.
Having faith is the fuel that lights the fire of determination. Creating your best life begins with your thoughts of positivity, life affirming, and self loving, because they create the feelings that create the action, which leads to the revealing of your thoughts, prayers and inner wisdom. The “work” of practice is not an easy, straight road. It takes determination and faith, allowing, willingness and ultimately freedom from fear.
Personal power exercise #1
The “LOVE” shower
As you begin your day with positive affirmations, get your fire going in the shower! As you are lathering up and telling yourself how amazing you are, tell your body how healthy it is. Tell your body how happy you are to have it (if you have it!) and how much you love your strong legs and round ass for getting you where you need to go! You get the picture – “fall in love” with you in the shower everyday for a week and see how life treats you!
Staying in Faith
Trusting the process of healing can be a test because it requires you to see past the fears, pain, suffering and unforgiveness and look within with love. Our minds and ego want us to brush over it. However, the REAL healing happens when we can look past our kicking and screaming and release the limits, boundaries and bondage WE have placed on ourselves. God always has our back, we just want to be in control of what that looks like – staying in faith is spiritual practice.
Personal Power exercise #2
Dare YOUR Destiny Doctrine
The Dare Doctrine is your freedom! The dare is to look at what you fear and dare yourself past your fears, no swimming with sharks necessary, but it does require GUTS! What do you really want in life? What is stopping you from having it? Can I dare you to look at what is keeping it from you? This doctrine allows you to look at your fears and step over them like the super hero you ARE!! In each of us is a super hero, I know because I am WONDER WOMAN! You CAN do it! Allow your Spirit to shine!! I DOUBLE DARE you to live your dreams!! Date & sign your document and either put it where you can see it or give it to someone you trust that can offer unconditional love & support. Then watch your life shifts-this is where the miracle happens. Breathe, you made it.
Moving past your comfort zones is one the quickest ways to grow into who you know you are. Of course you will fall, fail and make mistakes but it is in our getting back up, the fire of determination and trusting the Universe that gets us to the next level of healing and where our freedom is.
Having faith keeps you evolving into more of who you are and who you are becoming, the best version of yourself. Compassion and understanding are part of the healing; it is the act of surrender that is freedom. Surrender releases you from control of needing to know how, why, what; the Universe will not let you down.
Allow your personal power, you trusting God, become your prayer. Prayer allows healing from the inside out, it shifts you, it opens you and it is your direct line to Spirit. Confessing your fears, listening to your Spirit is how it talks to us, when we have the door open. So LISTEN, your SPIRIT is calling.
When we are in love with life, life is in love with us, so go be YOU! Practice what you preach, love unconditionally, allow Spirit to have its way in your life. Become the YOU that you dream of being. Now is the time to allow your Spirit to heal, guide and love you. That is Spiritual wellness, taking care of you without excuses, with grace and gratitude. Now go leap some tall walls of fear and kick the past to the curb, your destiny is expecting and ready for you.
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Tonya Melendez is an Internationally renowned Tarot Life Coach, Licensed Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive Life Counselor, Radio & TV personality, Author, Teacher, Speaker, Psychic Medium, Tarot Card Reader, Certified Yoga Instructor and Religious Science Practitioner. Tonya has been practicing, learning, teaching and counseling for over 20 years. Go2Guru Girlfriend™

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