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Dream Images Brought to Voice ~ Dream Oracle Cards

Dream Images Brought to Voice ~ Dream Oracle Cards

Dream Oracle Cards: Dream Guides

By Meredith Smith

Ending the first half of December 2012, I find it is the Dream Oracle Card ~ Dream Guides ~ speaking to most dreamers right now, trying to get their attention.

Many dreamers may not realize that their dream encounters are not always a manifestation of their minds, nor do these people have to be a representation of aspects of the dreamer. If a dreamer looks a little closer they will find that these encounters are the voice of their dream guide(s).

Who Are Our Dream Guides? Dream Guides are living and deceased souls, energies, entities, spirits, and unearthly beings who come in all shapes, colors of light, and sizes. They may appear as teachers, lovers, animals, friends, strangers, family members, mythical creatures, angels, prophet’s, and ET’s. They may even shape shift into any form that resonates with the dreamer in order to pass on a message, a little wisdom, a warning, provide healing, help make a decision or resolve an issue, or even appear just too present information that the dreamer needs. Sometimes these dream encounters with our guides have to do with the dreamer, and other times these messages are brought to the dreamer to pass on – as many times we have the ability to be the conduit for someone else.

Whether we realize it or not, whether we recall our dreams or not, we all have experienced some type of guide speaking to us in our dreams, providing us with guidance that we bring back into waking with us.

If we encounter someone or some type of higher vibrational energy in our dream time, shift your thoughts and emotions from fear (or confusion) and be present and comfortable in yourself within your dream. Acknowledge your encounter. ASK if there is a message or information they are present to give. (If you are able to ask, then the message is less complex to translate.) Be prepare for the answer or information they are willing to pass on to you. If fear is present at all in your energy field then their response may feel as if it is given in pieces. The more encounters from your dream guides you acknowledge and receive, the more transparent they become. A dream guide has the ability to appear with an answer to a question you have yet to seek out.

Dream Advice: A dream guide appears with messages from the future, memories of the past, and information for the present. Ask yourself what you may be in need of, or what you are not ‘seeing’ that is requiring your attention. IS there a question you are not asking correctly in order to receive the necessary answer? Are you exploring the possibilities of opening up into your sixth sense? This dream oracle card suggests it is time to tap in to our inner voice and move closer to your guides offering assistance.

See Also

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Meredith Smith is a Dream Intuitive, Reiki Healer, and author of DreamWorkers Behind the Veil; Night Shift Dreams. Meredith is an astral traveler and dream translator existing on the boundary line of waking and dreamtime, she speaks in dreams.

To learn more about dreams, dream guides, afterlife communication, DreamWorkers, Night Shift Dreams, Spirits of our past & future, and Reiki & Energy Healing visit:

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