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Fifth Holy Day – December 30

Fifth Holy Day – December 30

The Zodiacal Hierarchy of Leo

On December 30th and the solar month of August, July 23rd- August 24th, dedication is to the Hierarchy of Leo. The cosmic pattern held by this host of Celestial Beings is that, while this Hierarchy holds sway above our planet, the earth is permeated by the power of Love, even as Divine Wisdom is interwoven into the entire fabric of nature.  All activities should be motivated by this power. Every thought should be radiant with Love; every word vibrant with Love; every deed embellished by Love.

Judas is the Disciple correlated with Leo. Herein is indicated the great transforming power of Love. An intimate relationship exists between Judas and John.  Judas typifies personality, while John typifies Spirit. A deep significance is attached to the fact that Judas, after betraying the Christ, took his own life. Personality must always wane so that Spirit may wax strong.

Saint Paul admonishes aspirants to the Christic way to put off the old personality and put on the new. As personality becomes subordinated to the Spirit, man’s lower love nature, concerned entirely with the personal life that is transient and therefore must, as did Judas, is superseded by that higher love nature evidenced by John the Beloved, the Disciple who never knew death and who was closest of the Immortal Twelve to the heart of the Master.

The body center correlated with Leo is the heart. As this center unfold, its Divine latencies will become more and more powerful and luminous, until its radiance is that of “the day star which shines unto the perfect day.”

Love is the subject of the biblical seed thought for meditation on December 30th and all through the solar month of August:

Love is the fulfilling of the law. ~ Romans 13:10

Every aspirant should concentrate on the innermost import of this passage while the vibratory rhythms of Leo are permeating the earth.


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To participate with the Self-Intunement, visit: Affirmations of the Signs – Leo in the Humanity Healing Community.

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This information above is taken from the work of Corinne Heline, New Age Bible Interpretation, Vol. VII Mystery of the Christos: The Twelve Holy Days. ISBN 0-933963-07-6

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