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How to Eat for Your Mood

How to Eat for Your Mood

How to Eat for Your Mood

By Channa Serenity

Have you ever found yourself in an emotional funk? Of course you have, we all have! I learned of a delicious fix that I’d love to share with you. One of my favorite healing modalities is Color therapy, also known as chromo-therapy. Color plays an important role in life. The various hues we see every day have a profound effect on all levels of our being- mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Color affects our moods and general well-being.

Color can be harnessed and used as a powerful, positive tool to benefit our overall health and well-being. It can give us energy and confidence, relieve pain and muscle cramps, improve our nutritional habits, promote a rejuvenating, peaceful sleep, and it can even change our moods.

Color Effects on the Human Body

Color is a vibrational energy that radiates from the sun, it travels at light speed.  Each hue has a different electromagnetic frequency which affects the physical, emotional and the etheric body.

Visual Response

When we look at color, the retinas in our eyes transmit a response to the brain, causing a chemical reaction in the body. The reaction is largely based on information stored in our DNA, as well as our state of being in that moment.


With each color hue different emotional responses arise; these psychological associations have been developed since infancy.

Energetic Response

Within our etheric body we have 7 chakra centers, each with their own vibrational frequency. Remember, color also has a vibrational frequency, and when matching frequencies align they harmonize and become balanced. This is based on the scientific principle that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency, and that by using resonant vibration, balance of matter can be restored.


Some colors speed up the body and others colors will slow it down. For example, red is a stimulant.It raises blood pressure, activates brain function, raises body temperature, stimulates organs, nerves and blood circulation and expels toxins through the pores. While violet decreases muscular activity, it tranquilizes, slows the heart, lowers blood pressure, and calms the nervous system.

There are many different ways to implement color into your life such as color visualizations, color breathing, wearing color related clothing, lighting colored candles, tonating water, crystals… but my favorite way is eating color related foods!

Feeling Lazy and Lethargic? Make yourself a delicious strawberry, raspberry, cranberry smoothie. Reds are very energizing, it’s a stimulating hue. Red speeds things up, warms, and activates brain function.

Shy? Orange promotes confidence, creativity, fun and enthusiasm. Indulge in a beautiful citrus salad with orange, mango and apricot.

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Sad or Grumpy? Yellow is the color of joy and optimism. A positive attitude is one of the most important things we need to learn here in earth school. The law of attraction is always in motion. Like attracts like, Positive thoughts equal positive outcomes. We all have our “down” days though – try eating a yellow apple or a banana and turn that frown upside down.

Run down? Green is mentally, physically, and energetically rejuvenating. Enjoy a refreshing green juice.

Anxious? Blueberries are an excellent choice; blue is a relaxing, and calming energy.

Insomnia? : Violet is the bedtime hue. It induces sleep, decreases muscular activity and tranquilizes. It promotes the production of white blood cells, slows the heart, lowers blood pressure and calms the nervous system. Eggplant and purple cabbage are excellent choices of violet foods.

Awaken your creativity and play around with the colors of the light spectrum, use color to create delicious recipes. Color can make a positive impact on your mood.

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About the Author

Channa is a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach. She has dedicated her life to studying the healing arts and holds certificates in many different modalities. Her passion is to help women take control of their bodies, minds and spirits, and create balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. She wants to empower women to make lifestyle changes necessary for their best possible health. She has special interest in bringing spiritual and energetic principles into the fitness industry, as well as helping those living with chronic disease. Channa has authored “12 weeks to Raw-some, Diva edition” and is currently working on her first childrens book.

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