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How to Live in the Energy of [Divine] Love

How to Live in the Energy of [Divine] Love

By Jenny Griffin

There are so many conflicting ideas about the meaning of the changes that are coming as a result of the Shift, the end of the Mayan calendar, the Solstice of December 21, 2012, but one thing seems constant: love. The changes are moving us towards a more loving and accepting perspective, where we can embrace each others’ journeys and perspectives without judgement, and gracefully accept the choices of others as true for them. The idea is that through coming to a more loving view of ourselves, we can then extend that outwards and love those whom we may have found difficult to love.

Yesterdays’ school shootings in America and China are excellent examples of how to live in love when the world seems to reflect only chaos. So many emotions are flying around the internet – ‘good thing he killed himself, ‘cause his life wouldn’t be worth living,’ ‘he is evil incarnate,’ ‘I pray for the souls of the children and their families and damn his soul to eternal Hell,’ are just a few I’ve personally seen floating around. I can’t say any of them sit very well with me. In fact, nauseous best describes my body’s reaction to reading them. I can empathise, absolutely, with the visceral feeling of horror that such acts raise in people. It is the route we choose to take in response that leads us either to love or back to fear.

In each of our lives exists the possibility for only good, if we choose to see it. We can label the shooters evil and wish them to an eternity in fiery anguish, or we can see them as individuals who have, for one reason or another, been overwhelmed by their own pain and in an act of passionate deperation, chosen to hurt others. In their own need to be heard, to be seen, to be effectual in their lives, they make a decision that affects the lives of hundreds of people around the World. We can choose to see the damaged and lonely children that these men were inside, and send love to those parts of them that so desperately needed it while they lived and struggled with their own shadows. They were not devoid of love, nor of humanity, but some part of them was unable to access the well of love that exists for each of us if we only have the courage to reach for it. We are none so far detached from each other that we could not have been those men, had circumstances in our lives been very different, or had we made other choices at certain times.

In its Divine state, Love is unconditional and all-encompassing. There is no one that the Divine presence in and around us all does not love. We feel that we have difficulty loving some people because we have developed long and difficult histories with them, or they commit acts we cannot ourselves imagine committing. All of us have the capacity for vast amounts of love, and for vast amounts of pain. How we express them depends on so many factors, some of which include social norms and expectations. Often we are discouraged from expressing our pain, and are told that our worries and fears are not legitimate/important/real. If these are allowed to build, and expand, they can start to take over our thoughts, becoming distorted into obsessions and even paranoia.

Love has no use for judgement, it does not say that you are only worthy of it if you behave in a certain way or live in a certain postal code. It quietly accepts all of us into its embrace, asking only that we surrender to it and let it comfort us with its warm presence. It asks us to bask in its simplicity, feeling acceptance in the core of our Selves, flowing in and through us, in turn reaching out to others in its Divine glory. Love exists simply to be experienced, its purpose is to spread as far and wide as possible. To live in this Love, it is only necessary to open yourself up and receive it. If you can feel it, then send some towards the people who need it most, those stuck in their pain and shadows who are having difficulty finding it in themselves. That is the most loving thing you can do for the planet at this time – accept and share the Divine Love for all of existence.

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Jenny Griffin, the ‘Catharsis Coach,’ is passionate about helping you to find the beauty, power and possibility in the midst of transformative experiences. She combines her skills as an intuitive coach and healer with her amazing organisational abilities to provide an environment filled with creative and enjoyable ways to move towards your own unique vision for your life. Her focus on the connection between Mind, Body and Spirit differs from conventional therapeutic thinking, and offers you the opportunity to use all the parts of your story as fodder for personal and spiritual growth.

You can find Jenny at: The Power of Change

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