Standing On the Precipice of a Golden Age
Standing On the Precipice of a Golden Age
December 21, 2012 End of the World or Beginning of a New Age
By Ethann Fox
In these days of intense pressure, it may seem as if there isn’t a glimmer of hope for the future of the world. We are fast approaching December 21st 2012, a date long awaited by many as the “End of The World”. And the leadership of the world seems determined to make that prophecy a reality. But I’ve long held the viewpoint that this is not an end, but a new beginning. Having been an astrologer and numerologist for nearly 20 years, I’ve learned that every ending plants seeds of a new beginning. So where are these seeds?
In the past year alone, I’ve noticed a massive increase in the number of individuals waking up and realizing that the world they are living in no longer makes sense. Their circles of friends no longer understand them. Their careers are no longer satisfying and they feel as if there is some greater purpose to carry out. They would rather take a career path that barely earns a living, but gives them more fulfillment, than to stay in the rat race. Most feel a sense of confusion and uncertainty. They know that what they’ve been doing no longer makes sense, but at the same time they have no idea where to go. And also there is a perception that time is somehow speeding up and there is less time to do the same things we used to do. Stress levels are higher, and everything feels intense. Does this sound like your life?
And then of course, there are the people in power who are trying very hard to keep others asleep. There are chemicals in the water, chemicals in the air, smart meters, smart dust, Genetically Engineered foods, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, and a whole slew of other environmental factors that are slowing the inevitable mass awakening of consciousness. In addition, we have to keep in mind that the media is entirely censored. Anything that goes against the existing business, financial, or governmental structures is intentionally kept from the public. All the while, the public is lulled to sleep with carefully choreographed television programming.
In order to see what is actually going on in the world, the first thing you must do is turn off your television and seek out knowledge for yourself. It’s an incredible time to be alive, and the signs of this are everywhere for those who care to look. What the individuals in power don’t realize is that it isn’t possible to stop this awakening. Lucky for us, human beings don’t possess a power great enough to overcome the will of the universe. And for each person who awakens, it becomes even more impossible to stop the train speeding toward a new Golden Age.
We are in the midst of a global transformation that will affect every aspect of our lives. Imagine a world in which there is no longer illness, where you can drive your car or power your house without fossil fuels, where you could take a weekend trip to the moon or mars. I’m here to tell you that all of these things are a reality now and within the next 10 years, they will start to trickle into our society.
For now, I want to leave you with one final thought. What can you do to help move our consciousness toward this future? The answer to this question is not as complicated as it seems. You don’t have to leave your house and protest against war, or GMO foods. In fact, you don’t even need to try to change the world or the family next door. You need only to change yourself. Each person that awakens will cause a ripple effect across the consciousness of the world that will unavoidably awaken others. Evidence of this can already be seen. New breakthroughs in technology, health, and scientific understanding that will revolutionize our lives and lead to a more enlightened society. There are more people seeking spiritual growth than ever before in our history, and more teachers providing opportunities for that growth. And for the first time, we are being given tools like the Energy Transfer events to raise our consciousness to a degree never before possible. We are truly living in incredible times.
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About the Author
Ethann Fox is a spiritual teacher and leader of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution. He has spent the past 19 years as a practicing astrologer and numerologist. In late 2010, he experienced a spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life and Flower of Life was established soon after. To find out more, schedule a personal or business consultation or attend a group consciousness event, visit http:/www.floweroflifecenter.

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