The Modern Shaman
By Dwight Bonair
A Shaman is a tribal spiritual healer and elder, who gives guidance on the journey of life, which they themselves have partaken and found successful routes through. To become a Shaman one has to go on their own journey which usually in tales a traumatic incident or psychological/spiritual Illnesses that they overcome. Which they overcome and by overcoming the illness/journey they are able to help other people with the same ordeal.
Modern up bringing is no different than a shamanic journey to retrieve one’s self. To be a shaman is to be your own healer, your own elder. You become an elder speaking for elders which is your ancestor’s history and the understanding from your own journey. In many shamanic traditions they call it your animal power or guardian spirit. After the journey you mature all your scenes and entitle yourself a scene of peace from overcoming your journey. Were in return you help others, by expressing and celebrating your journey through song, cheer and wisdom; very similar to an artist.
The healing process always consisted of prayer, herbal remedies and group pow wows (which is song and dance) to help and cleanse a person of a spiritual confliction. It is no different than how we normally deal with stress in modern day. With positive affirmations from a friend, a healthy drink and smoke at a neighborhood bar or club; you can see how similar we are to our ancestors.
I am descendant from generations of spiritual tribal elders, going back before the time of slavery in Trinidad, Barbados and other parts of the West Indies. My family elder’s called the understanding science; which you obtain through your journey. They called it science because it is always evolving and they call those who knew the science, scientist . They worked in the African heritage of mysticism or science, but told me to include what I knew, admire or can learn from. They told me it is very much an art and it should have your own personal touch. So I did, I connect with all of my heritage and my family from every part of the world and every time.
I studied western, eastern and ancient science and took the guidance and understanding I needed to help me on my journey. Being very un-bias to get a clear understanding and connecting the similarities to strengthen my confidence and clarity. And all the knowledge together help me come up with my own unique spin which fits me.
In many places there is no difference between a shaman and the head of the house. In Barasana, Brazil at the lowest level, most adult men have abilities as shamans and will carry out the same functions. We all have the ability to help each other on the journey of life. We all one way or another can be seen as modern shamans for we all are on a journey of peace and love.
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