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The Sixth Holy Day – December 31

The Sixth Holy Day – December 31

Shared by Humanity Healing University

The Zodiacal Hierarchy of Virgo

The dedication for December 31st and the solar month of September, August 24th-September 23rd, is to the Hierarchy of Virgo.  During the time that Virgo’s ray permeates our sphere, this Hierarchy holds high above the planet the cosmic pattern of a cleansed and rejuvenated Earth.

Leo’s love leads to Virgo’s service.  The Divine Being whom we know as the World Mother, or the Divine Feminine, is the prototype for the Madonnas, or Blessed Mothers, of all great religions.  She is the teacher of these high feminine Initiates at certain stages of their development.

At a certain point in human attainment, Purity becomes a tremendous Soul power:  a verity stressed by the Lord Christ when He said, “The pure in heart shall see God.”  The Disciple who correlates with the sign Virgo is James the Just, brother of Jude and Simon. For many years, he was revered as the head of the early Church in Jerusalem and was well known for his purity of character and consecration to selfless service.

The intestinal tract is the physical center of human body- temple correlating with Virgo. The aspirant should visualize the intestinal tract as manifesting perfection in its every function.

The biblical seed thought for December 31st and the solar month of Virgo is:

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. ~ Matthew 23:11

Those aspiring to spiritual unfoldment are urged to meditate upon the deep significance of this passage so long as the vibratory rhythms of the Virgo Hierarchy are permeating this planet.


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To participate with the Self-Intunement, visit: Affirmations of the Signs – Virgo in the Humanity Healing Community.

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This information above is taken from the work of Corinne Heline, New Age Bible Interpretation, Vol. VII Mystery of the Christos: The Twelve Holy Days. ISBN 0-933963-07-6

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