What Embracing the Shift Means To You
By Joyce Jackson
I am getting an extraordinary amount of calls from clients wanting to know what is coming in the next weeks with “this shift thing” they are hearing so much about. Some are truly afraid of it, mostly because they are not sure what it is. For those, I offer the following information.
The Shift is here. Yes, if you are into celestial events it is the end of the Mayan calendar and significant cosmic alignments. But what does this mean for you, your family, loved ones, friends and neighbors? December 21 is just the beginning. While it is the end of the Mayan Calendar and specific celestial alignments, it is really a change and shift in energy. We are moving from and ego centered energy, like that of the 20th century: wars, conquest, taking yours for mine, greed and avarice, to a more love and heart centered existence. It is an energetic shift of the most loving kind. It is the energy and power of hope and love.
Have no fear, it’s just a ride. For some of us, it’s been a wild one. As of today, start to look for signs that things are getting lighter, happier and changing. You can breathe easier. You seem to feel lighter. You seem to be in a better mood. Perhaps, you even feel a spark of hope.
If you embrace this energy and look forward to positive change, you can catch the wave and ride it like a seasoned surfer. Your dreams are now there for youo to grab and bring into reality. Your relationships are here to expand. Whether it is existing or the new one you desire, it will come to frutition. Here are a few tips on how you can get ready, embrace it and ride the wave into a new era of your life:
- Release the old things that no longer serve you. This can be from people to the clutter in your home. If it is people, bless them and release them. If it is old ideas and fears, dissolve them.
- Make sure you are crystal clear on what you want your new life to be.
- Embrace change. It’s a journey, not a destination. And, when you take control of the change you ride it like a seasoned surfer, not get caught in it like a helpless victim of circumstances. Radical change can feel like a giant elephant just walked into the room: completely overwhelming. I like to say, “How do you eat an elephant? One, tiny bite at a time.” Carve it up, and take one tiny little bite or step at a time through change, even radical change.
- Have a daily spiritual practice. It does not matter what you do, what is important is that you do it daily. It allows you to release your blocks and fears and focus on the new things coming to you.
- Embrace your power. You have the power to change your life. This new age is all about empowerment and consciousness. You are not a victim anymore.
Every progressive step in your life has brought you to this point specifically purposed to assist you in creating ideal inner conditions that allows for the full expression of the limitless, transforming power of love. That is what the shift is all about.
We are now into an expansion of consciousness that realizes the Self as a vibrant and powerful center of fundamental, Universal Love and blessed with an expanded capacity to serve ourselves along with the human race. Embrace it!
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