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2013 Meditation from the Cherokee, The “Star People”

2013 Meditation from the Cherokee, The “Star People”

Breath, the gift of life

By Nancy Oakes


The Cherokee People had a tremendous insight of how the organs in our body worked, and an understanding of the process.  Each organ was given a color, for example the gall bladder is depicted as green.

Long before it was recognized that stress could cause damage to organs the people honored breath and the functions of each organ. The following is a meditation to honor the brain.  You can do this alone, or with a group. If in a group sit in a circle.

Get comfortable and prepare for a deep breathing meditation. If in a group one must lead the meditation. There is no time limit and everyone should breathe according to their own rate. You can use soft light and incense if you wish. Prepare the atmosphere and ask your angels and guides to attend the meditation. Call on Source, or the Creator what name you are comfortable with.


We are a Circle of Love ready to serve humanity, our community and our family to honor the creation of our magnificent body. Love and Gratitude to the Creator

Each One Of Us Are Fully Aware!

Deep within your brain is a region that stores information regarding your short and long term memory. In Alzheimer disease this region is one of the first to suffer damage. Memory problems and disorientation appear.  Damage can also result from oxygen starvation.

Focus on your brain. Repeat the following, or visualize the words in your mind.

We are One!

Send your breath three times-

Deeply fill your lungs, and exhale out of your mouth.

Visualize sending your breath to your beautiful brain.

 Breathe at your own rate, as you feel comfortable. PART II

Deep within your brain is another region-this region controls consciousness, sleep, and awareness. This area derives its blood supply from 4 arteries.

We are One!

Send your breathe three times-

Deeply fill your lungs, and exhale out of your mouth.

Visualize sending your breath to your beautiful brain.

 Breathe at your own rate, as you feel comfortable.

If you in a group pause and let everyone catch up. Lovingly remember and connect to your brain. Recognize your brains purpose-a healthy brain receiving oxygen to function properly.

We offer gratitude to the Creator for creating our magnificent brain.


Part III-Meditation for the digestive system.

See Also

Prepare the atmosphere and ask your angels and guides to attend the meditation. Call on Source, or the Creator what name you are comfortable with.

Meditation for the digestive system:

(If it helps place your hands on this area of your body)

Included in this miraculous process is your liver-necessary for your survival. This organ has many functions including producing bile-which aids in digestion.The Liver has two large blood vessels and carries blood containing digested nutrients from the entire gastrointestinal tract, also from the spleen and pancreas. Oxygen is provided by these veins and arteries.

We are One!

Send your breath three times-

Deeply fill your lungs, and exhale out of your mouth.

Visualize sending your breath to your beautiful liver, and digestive system.

 Breathe at your own rate, as you feel comfortable. Visualize healing for your liver and digestive organs as so many of us suffer with great stress which can damage our digestive organs. Eat real food-for your brain, liver, heart, all organs. Remember to rehydrate your body with water for all the processes of our organs. The Creator has given us Life-Life is living healthily and honoring our body.

In closing: With gratitude and love from my heart that beats within me-with every breath I surrender my body for service to my Creator and humanity.

We are on the same path!  So as you begin your journey, I know you will find your purpose.  Our Buddhist brothers and sisters call the journey dharma, the purpose in life.  Your unique abilities and talents will bring harmony, joy, and healing which leads to abundance.  Love to the Light!

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