Ask Whitedove: January 2013

Secondly – listen to that inner voice, the promptings of your heart. You will be drawn to assist humanity and be of service. So take action, be joyful, be grateful and then you will discover your mission and purpose. You can use your circles of influence to make sweeping changes for the good of your community.
From a karmic standpoint, those that have much are expected to do good deeds and help those less fortunate. Right now your humanity is being tested. At the end of this life you will return to your real home, Heaven, and you will participate in your Earthly evaluation. You will answer these questions as you review your life: Who did you love? Who did you help? How did your deeds affect the souls that you came into contact with? Were you compassionate? Maybe you should do a little life review thus far and check your answers.
Dear Whitedove,
That old saying applies to me; if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. How can I become lucky in a positive way? ~Lady Luck in PA
Dear Lady Luck,
So many people believe that being lucky is random. But it’s actually a force that’s within each of us. Your belief system creates your life. What you think about will manifest. You my friend, have bought into a self fulfilling prophesy of bad luck. But once you recognize this pattern, you can reprogram your beliefs and develop a positive outlook on your future. Retrain your brain to expect good. Clean up your negative mind chatter and replace those thoughts with loving, positive, motivational phrases. Be kind to yourself and know that you are worthy. Your luck is now changing, there is power in positive thinking. When you shift your thoughts from fear and lack to thoughts of love, miracles happen.
AS SEEN ON TV: Watch for Whitedove as an expert guest this season on Bravo TV’s Millionaire Matchmaker. The New Season starts Jan 2013.

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