Full Moon in Leo: Redefining Friendships
By Cindy Morris
It’s hard to believe that the Moon is full again. I know for myself TIME has been either warped to hyper-speed or slowed down to a baby’s drool. If I didn’t have the Moon to gauge the passage of time I wouldn’t have any idea what time we were in at all. Having Neptune opposing my Mercury off and on all year has only made TIME ever more elusive. I have had moments of pure no-time this month and though I found no-time very enjoyable I also found the experience quite disturbing. Such is the nature of the times we live in – enjoyable and often fairly disturbing, especially if you have any expectations that things will be any way that you think they should be.
This FULL MOON falls on the Leo-Aquarius axis at 7 degrees. This dynamic creates a tension between the Sun-ruled fire sign of Leo and the Uranus-ruled air sign of Aquarius (Aquarius is an AIR sign , though as the water bearer it is often mistaken for a water sign – it is not a water sign). You probably will feel pushed to evaluate your ego-based relationship with yourself and your desire to express yourself in your own unique way with your various relationships with friends and groups.
As far as I can tell, and from what I have heard over the last few months, there have been many challenges and changes in friendships and associations. This can be very challenging as friends become our family of choice and when something needs to change in your relationships with your friends it can be very painful. After all, you chose this person to share your life with and now you no longer want to? Or they no longer want to? Sometimes you are able to move through things together and deepen your friendship. Sometimes your karmic commitment is completed, you have done together what you have agreed to – the relationship has run its course. You will have to figure this out between the two of you. Often it is a matter of each of you moving towards your own destiny and the destiny of the other is off in another direction, Ideally you can support one another in fulfilling one’s soul potential but make sure you deal with the emotions that are bound to surface or you could make yourself sick trying to detox from your physical body that which needs to be detoxed from your emotional body. It’s ALWAYS about you taking care of you, first and foremost.
Uranus: ruler of Aquarius
This FULL MOON will shed light on your relationship to the global community as well. Where do you fit in there? Do you feel an urge to help create Heaven on Earth or are you frightened of all the changes, desiring to run into the woods and hide? It’s a POWERFUL co-creative time on the planet so whether you’re hiding out or working on the front lines keep your intentions front and center. This lunation encourages and supports you to be part of your world in any way that fits for you. And, of course, you need to tell yourself the truth (Jupiter in Gemini) as to what that is.
Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is at 5 degrees Aries conjoining Pallas Athene, asteroid goddess of courage, creativity, the healing arts, and your intuitive knowingness. I wish I had at least one photo of me dressed as Athena for the oodles of times I donned her costume for Halloween. She’s a powerful goddess of WISDOM, born out of the head of Zeus (Jupiter)(yeeouch!). She represents the power of the FEMININE WISDOM and her conjunction with Uranus at this Full Moon reinforces the need for gender equality (can you believe we are not there yet?) and FREEDOM for all. The Uranus-Pallas Athene conjunction trines the Moon in Leo and forms a sextile to the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aquarius supporting and joining together with like-minded souls to create the visionary ideals of the Golden Age we are each co-creating with one another and with SOURCE energy. Now THAT’S a party I would never want to miss!
Excellent stone for balancing the Masculine and Feminine, freeing us from the constraints of inequality and unbalance: SHIVA LINGAM
Shiva lingams come in all sizes-from a size that sits in the palm of your hand to the size that could only be hauled by the LEXUS SUV. Place smaller ones on the top of your head or on your pillow above your head. You can also place the shiva lingams on your 2nd chakra to help you soothe and balance your emotional body.
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Cindy Morris, msw, is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job , co-author of Reclaim Your Intuition, The LOVE Books, and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, has run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now lives in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in their Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work. Learn more about Cindy by visiting: http://IgniteYourSoulPotential.com

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