Dr. Christiane Northrup: Healing the Little Girl in YOU!
Dr. Christiane Northrup: A more balanced partnership would be one in which every person learned from BIRTH (or before) to tap into the wisdom of their body– so that when you got sick or needed medical care, your doctor or healthcare provider was as interested in what is going on in your life as he or she is in the results of lab work and tests. In other words, each of us has knowledge within our bodies, and every doctor has a body of knowledge. We need to put those two things together. Because, at the end of the day, that “still small voice” within each of us actually knows what is wrong– and can help us access the Healer Within. We also need to understand that we are Eternal Vibrational BEings of Light– currently residing in physical bodies. So our spirit and our soul are ALWAYS involved in our healthcare!!!
OMTimes:How is this hierarchy playing out in women’s daily decision making towards their personal health and mental wellbeing?
Dr. Christiane Northrup: WOMEN HAVE BEEN TALKED INTO BELIEVING THAT THEIR BODIES ARE FLAWED AND IN NEED OF MEDICAL HELP AT EVERY TURN!!! Women believe that they can’t get through life without cholesterol testing and mammograms. Back in the 1950’s we actually talked parents into the mistaken notion that their children required tonsillectomies!!! Later we found out that the tonsils are part of the immune system. And that removing them just “shot out the indicator light” on the dashboard of our health!!! Another example is mammograms. A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that in the last 30 years– since the advent of mammogram screening, 1.3 women have been diagnosed with breast cancer who would NEVER have had symptoms that became obvious. Yep– 1.3 million women led to believe that they should be “running for a cure” that they don’t even REQUIRE. Millions more women are talked into taking statin drugs for so-called “high cholesterol” when statins are associated with cardiac dysfunction, dementia, and muscle dysfunction– all from the fact that they gobble up an essential nutrient– coenzyme Q 10. Likewise, drugs like Fosamax- widely prescribed to treat or prevent osteoporosis can result in bones that are so brittle that when they fracture, they don’t heal. It is also associated with an increased risk for requiring root canals– that’s because the bone in the jaw can become so dense and brittle that blood can’t get in to nourish the bone! Women are also being talked into labor inductions– with the mistaken notion that this is “safer” and “more convenient” than waiting until labor begins on its own. The result is a C-section rate that is 30-50% of all births. And in the last 20 years, as a result, the incidence of maternal mortality (dead mothers) from too many procedures has DOUBLED.
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