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Intention and Outreach

Intention and Outreach

We share love universally. That is not such a bold statement to make. So why is love not always as evident as it could be? What keeps us in such states of dis-ease that we fail to just go with the flow or follow our heart to new and better places in life? Life does not have to be frustrating, and we can each take comfort in knowing that the smallest of actions can have a positive effect.

The concept of Samsara gives us an opportunity to consider that there is “more to life than this.” The idea that there are other chances, lifetimes, and streams of existence can help us feel less frustrated about our present circumstances. Knowing we have the ability to make a difference, no matter how small, can have a positive effect on that larger picture.

Whether or not we believe in reincarnation or rebirth, just knowing there is this larger picture affords us greater chance for more possibilities to happen. We need not remain stuck in circumstances that weigh us down or diminish our soul. Life gives us many chances to soar above problems and realize greater love now than we had yesterday.

All it takes is another breath, another step forward, and a stronger intention that love will flow from us. We all have the ability to love and reach out to our fellow beings. In fact, when we fail to do so, when we label and hold ourselves apart from other creatures in creation, we suffer, separate, and inflict more pain than when we grow in love and acceptance of them.

We may realize that is not only “our” doing that may cause differences to happen in life. This can lift the burden or responsibility of action from our shoulders enough to see that our life crosses paths with that of others. We can actively choose, at any moment, a better or more positive way to be.

Think of the many wars that have been fought and lives lost to murder because we think of “them” (whoever ‘they’ may be) as outsiders, different, pests, or some “other” classification. For the longest time, we have segregated each other based on such changeable things as religious beliefs, hair length, or heritage.

We can extend or reach out to our past with forgiveness for the perceived differences or mistakes we might encounter–whether we discover them in others or as a part of ourselves. Likewise, our future is entwined with the steps we take now to improve things or interact with them positively that extends to future generations.

Many of us pray regularly for God to “grant us peace,” when it is something we can actively work on achieving ourselves. We may fail to see how carrying a certain stigma or grudge weighs on our outlook or can affect our mental health. Rather than walking around agitated, bothered and full of dis-ease, we can intend and reach out in a much more peaceful and balanced way.

See Also

It can be amazing to think that an embrace can bring so much more peace than a shove. Serving and supporting each other is how we bring love into our relationship with every living thing. It is equally wonderful know we can do more to make our existence a much better experience, in such a timeless way.

As only each of us is best equipped to do.

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