Intuition: Your best power tool for Navigating Today’s World
By Sonia Choquette
Intuition is your most powerful inborn natural power tool for living at the highest level in today’s modern world, and the greatest inventors, creatives, artists, leaders, and happy people throughout history will agree with this. Steve Jobs relied heavily on intuition to guide him to create Apple, the most successful company in the history of business. Einstein regularly attributed his intuition to the great discoveries he made in life. Helen Keller said it was the most important sense of all.
Yet it is every day people that routinely cite intuition, or in other words, following their heart, as the reason their lives work. And why not? It protects you. It points you in the direction of opportunity. It leads you to positive relationships and away from those that aren’t. It saves you time, connects you with things you need, people who can enhance your life, bring you more joy, and even protect yours health. It is your internal GPS system and serves to help you succeed and make life easier in every way. Best of all, it’s natural, so crazy to ignore. So enough of why it’s important to use your intuition, and on to HOW to tap into it.
Start by taking a few moments every day to sit in silence and turn your full awareness inward. So you can listen to your inner voice. It can be a moment in the shower or just after parking your car at work. It can be as you wash your hands before dinner or while you wait for the train home from work. It can be while folding laundry or watering your plants. These moments of silence do not need to be isolated moments. The more you learn to tune in to your intuition wherever you are, the better.
There is no need to focus on any particular thing as you do this. Simply listen to your heart, much like you would listen to a person speaking to you on the phone. Just give your inner voice your full attention.
It may take a moment or two for the mental chatter of the ego to quiet so you can hear. Be patient. It will. Relax as you listen. As you do, be aware of any gut feelings, bright ideas, flashes, creative impulses or thoughts that may cross your mind. All of these are the calling cards of intuition. It’s important to pay attention as they arise quickly and leave just as quickly, so it is important to practice being aware of their subtlety.
Also know that intuitive feelings arise in many forms, and can even vary from day to day. You may hear them in your mind. You may feel them, sense them, see them, or simply have a direct feeling as if to say, “I just know.” Or, all of the above.
Make it a habit to pay attention to and give importance to these subtle flashes of insight and intuition, in whatever guise they appear. One effective way to do this is to speak all intuitive feelings and flashes out loud as they dance across your mind. That way, you capture them before they slip away. As the saying goes, “If you name it, you claim it.” Once you vocalize your intuition, you do not have to do anything else. Just acknowledge that this is what your inner voice is saying to you. Let the message sink in. Let your intuitive voice speak out without chasing it away or having to justify itself to you. Simply acknowledge out loud what you are intuitively receiving, and even ask yourself once you do, again out loud, “what else does my intuition say about this matter?” And continue to allow it to speak. You will discover that the more you give your intuition a valued voice in your life, the more it has to offer, and the better your life will be for it.
Sonia Choquette is the NY Times Best Selling Author of Trust Your Vibes Powerful Tools for Six Sensory TM Living.
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness.
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