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Lifting the Veil on Night Shift Dreams

Lifting the Veil on Night Shift Dreams

By Meredith Smith

Many people have the gift of medium-ship within their dreams – lucidly encountering the deceased, aware of their telepathic communication experience, and helping deceased souls during their transition to the afterlife. This night shift work of afterlife communication, healing, and guidance takes place during the same hours as we sleep, when our physical body sleeps and our soul astral travels through the many realms existing beyond this waking one. Within these parallel dimensions dreamers encounter spirits, guides, angels, and all types of unearthly ‘beings’, some familiar and others unfamiliar to us.

These dream encounters, from realms beyond our waking, offer messages of importance and healing for us, for the living, and for and from the deceased. While working the night shift dreamers become aware of their surroundings as they awaken within their dream state. Quickly discovering that all their senses have enhanced – feeling, seeing, hearing, touching, knowing – and these heightened abilities become their natural state within their dreams.

These same dreamers are beginning to understand that they are being called by souls in need, as they are pulled astral traveling to the locations these souls reside. They are discovering they are capable of strengthening their intuition (like a magic wand they have finally mastered), allowing their souls to manifest the best parts of their Selves through the healing that they provide others. At the same time their work is not done alone, these dreamers encounter their own guides (spirits, angels, unearthly beings) offering them a gentle hand of guidance and paving the way for the work that needs to be done by the dreamer.

Have you ever woken up exhausted after a good night’s rest? Ever wondered why awaking up into some dreams feels more intense and wildly vivid then other dreams? Are the people, or beings, you encounter knowingly real to you, rather than feeling like “manifestations of yourself”? More than likely you have astral travelled to a parallel world or within the unlimited dimensional realms we all are capable of reaching during our dreamtime – where are soul resides as our truest self, and where we provide healing and guidance to others.

These dimensional locations are places dreamers are able to tap into the consciousness of each other’s whole being of both the living and deceased, telepathically communicate, and offer assistance to those souls who have called for our help. These dreams are the ones in which a dreamer may find they are working the night shift, in which it is revealed that they are DreamWorkers.

There are different types of Night Shift Dreams one may be able to identify as working the night shift:

Taking on the persona of someone else:

Do you ever find that you are someone else in your dream? Acting, feeling, speaking in ways that are out of character for you? Maybe this person who you have become in your dream is doing harm to someone else and you feel the negative emotions welling up inside. Or maybe you find you are the victim, absorbing all the pain and emotions within the soul being harmed. When you find you have taken on the persona of someone else’s life you may find you are doing healing work by seeing through the eyes of either victim or criminal, relieving the pain that has overcome either one, providing a sense of forgiveness, and letting the person know, in some way they can understand, that they are not alone.

A professional role that may (or may not) differ from one’s waking life profession, such as; teacher, EMT’s, doctor, healer, counselor, nurse:

Many dreamers find they have a whole other job while they sleep, they astral travel through realms healing and helping other souls who may be experiencing tragic times or difficult transitions. Some dreamers tend to souls who are still physically living, while other DreamWorkers tend only to the deceased.

Afterlife communication with souls familiar or unfamiliar to the dreamer in which guiding, and or words of wisdom from the dreamer play a major role:

Within our dreamtime we communicate through telepathy and the energy of emotions, we are capable of sensing anything without words being spoken. There is no language barrier. No matter where you reside, the translation for a dreamer through telepathy and feeling appears in the way the dreamer is able to understand most comfortably. Some dreamers find that a simple touch, empathy, love, vibrational light, or words of wisdom has the power to change a course, raise vibrational frequencies, or guide another soul (living or physically dead) in the direction they are meant to go.

Tending to souls who have a lower vibrational energy, are upset, lost, or newly dead and resisting transition:

See Also

There is a place within one’s unconscious minds in which all souls are capable of creating lower vibrational energies after death, and during low mental points, or tragedies, in their waking lives. This place is one’s own personal limbo, created within one’s own mind.  DreamWorkers may find themselves tending to these souls, feeding them, comforting them, helping them let go of their emotions and thoughts, while healing the energies within them they are no longer in need of.

Guiding someone into the light; psychopomping within your dreams:

There are dreamers who find they experience many dreams in which they assist physically dead souls into the light. Some souls just need guidance to find the light, other souls want a hand to hold during the moments before entering into the light, and a few others need the healing energy of a simple touch to receive strength in letting go of their past physical life in order to look forward to what awaits them in the afterlife.  

Why do some dreamers work the night shift while others do not? Amazing and magical abilities reside in everyone. Some people are able to identify and utilize their psychic gifts within waking; while others have intuitive abilities that reside deep within their dream state, appearing within the hours when their soul is in its truest form. If a Night Shift dream appears do not fear, rather embrace your dream, as it has the ability to hold the dreamers truest gifts: ‘seeing’ behind the veil, astral traveling through dimensional realms, and the ability to communicate, help, and heal the spirits within the living and the dead.

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Meredith Smith is a Dream Intuitive, Reiki Healer, and author of DreamWorkers Behind the Veil; Night Shift Dreams. Meredith is an astral traveler existing on the boundary line of waking and dreamtime, she speaks in dreams. To learn more about DreamWorkers, Night Shift Dreams, dream guides, afterlife communication, and Energy Healing visit:

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