Sonia Choquette The Six-Sensory Spiritual Teacher

Sonia is a trusted and proven adviser to leaders such as Charlotte Beers, advertising CEO and former head of the Campaign for America, appointed by President Bush; Billy Corgan, singer/songwriter and founder of The Smashing Pumpkins; Jessica Bendinger, film director and writer of the smash-hit movie Bring It On; Marty Sprintzen, co-founder of Forte Internet Commerce; and Randy Fifield, real-estate mogul and chairman and CEO of Fifield Companies. Sonia is also on the board of advisers for several corporations, including The Wellness Center, and The Hoffman Institute.
Sonia hosts a weekly radio show, Trust Your Vibes, on Hay House Radio™ ( and is the best-selling author of eight books: The Psychic Pathway (Three Rivers Press), Your Heart’s Desire (Three Rivers Press), The Wise Child (Three Rivers Press), True Balance (Three Rivers Press), Vitamins for The Soul (Hay House, April 2004). The Diary of a Psychic (Hay House, July 2003), Trust Your Vibes (Hay House, 2004), and Trust Your Vibes at Work (Hay House, 2005).
OM Times magazine Interviewed Sonia about her Book “The Answer is simple” and we needed to share these with all our readers:
OM Times: In this book you say the answer to life’s problems is simple. What makes you suggest this?
Sonia: Observing thousands and thousands from virtually every walk of life and every advantage or disadvantage for over thirty five years in my work, I can confidently say that the only ones who genuinely succeed, who find peace and joy in their hearts and take great pleasure in their life experiences, have a different way of going about things.
Those who remember that we are Divine Spirit, and love and live in harmony with their Spirit, are the most successful ones. People who love themselves and live their Spirit are not necessarily subjected to any fewer challenges in life than those who rely solely on their egos and intellect to guide them. Life is life. Loving and living the Spirit within doesn’t prevent you from facing life’s storms. It does, however, greatly assist you in navigating the treacherous waters as painlessly and creatively as possible. And it allows you to do this while enjoying the journey.

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