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Sonia Choquette The Six-Sensory Spiritual Teacher

Sonia Choquette The Six-Sensory Spiritual Teacher


OM Times: It does sound simple, so why aren’t more people living like this?

Sonia: The problem is that so many of us are so disconnected from our Spirits that we don’t even know we have one to love, let alone live. If we are not aware of our Spirit, we cannot nurture it and trust it as the most essential part of our authentic self, our guiding light. So we remain stuck in a vicious cycle of fear and pain, and miss out on the joy and creative wonder of living a Divine existence. This is not what Our Creator intended for us. Our Creator intended for us to live creative lives filled with joy and inner peace, as Divine and holy beings.

OM Times: That sounds like it would be complicated or difficult?

Sonia: Learning to love yourself and live your Spirit is actually quite simple, once you realize the truth. And the truth is you are NOT the ego. You are Divine. You Are Holy. You are Spirit. Once you make that connection, and love your inner Divine light and begin to live your Spirit, everything comes alive in light and joy. Love and live your Spirit and your life flows peacefully. Be enslaved to and follow your fearful ego and it doesn’t. It really IS that simple.

OM Times: So where or how do I begin?

Sonia: There are ten simple, yet necessary, steps to make that connection to your authentic Spirit. Each one is so basic, so simple that it is easy to ignore them. So people do. That is why they become so miserable.

Omtimes: What are they?

Sonia: Step One: Recognize Your Spirit

Step Two: Welcome Your Spirit

Step Three: Get to Know Your Spirit

Step Four: Connect With Your Soul Family

Step Five: Keep the Balance

Step Six: Share Your Gifts

See Also

Step Seven: Laugh

Step Eight: Accept Life’s Lesson with Grace

Step Nine: Engage Music

Step Ten: Choose Kindness

OM Times: These are good ideas, and they do sound simple, but I wonder if they are easier said than done.

Sonia: Not if you follow the simple practices I suggest along with the steps to naturally incorporate them easily into your life. These practices are quite simply, again, breathe, laugh, keep moving, celebrate the small things, and create. They naturally take us directly back to our Spirit, where joy is always waiting for us.

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