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Sonia Choquette The Six-Sensory Spiritual Teacher

Sonia Choquette The Six-Sensory Spiritual Teacher


OM Times: In the book you talk about the heart of the matter. Can you tell us more about this?

Sonia: Yes, with pleasure. In the middle of the book I add an interlude to talk about engaging all aspects of our heart in order to be happy and find peace. Just as we have four chambers to the heart, living in joy and simple peace, and loving ourselves fully is only fully possible is we develop all four aspects of the heart.

They are:

1. Having an Open Heart

2. Having A Clear Heart

3. Having A Wise Heart

4. Having A Courageous Heart

An open heart is the heart of a child, which means a willingness to see the good in all people and life. The next is the Clear Heart. This means choosing to be objective and not taking the actions of others personally. The Wise heart comes next. This is the heart of our ancient souls; the one that remembers we are all human beings doing our best with what we know, so is forgiving and tolerant. And finally, we must engage the courageous heart. This is the heart to sticks to our convictions and principles in spite of our fears.

See Also

We all have some aspect of our heart working at times. Yet, when we work toward having all aspects of the heart working together we enter a state of profound love for both ourselves and all of life. This gives us the peace and confidence we seek. Once we become aware of the full capacity of the heart and engage it, we simply enjoy peace.

OM Times: It’s interesting that you talk about moving in this book. Why is this important?

Sonia: One of the best ways to prevent yourself from getting seized up by the ego and use the life force of your Spirit is to move. When we move, we engage our Spirit. Have you ever heard the expression, “The Spirit moved me…”? These expressions are founded in accuracy. When your Spirit is embodied it does move you, and in a way that is far more profound and graceful than the movement that comes from struggling with the ego.

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