Sonia Choquette The Six-Sensory Spiritual Teacher

OM Times: What do you mean when you say, “Dare to Be Happy?”
Sonia: Choosing to be happy and filled with self-love will not necessarily win you any popularity contests. Especially when there’s what other authors call “the currency of misery” in our culture to which most of us are addicted. This currency is the ego running the show. It loves to share misery because it only feels misery. It doesn’t know anything else. So, of course people who do not know they are Spirit, and do not connect with their Spirit, fall under the ego’s spell and complain. If you do not resonate with the ego, the ego gets quite annoyed with you as a ploy to intimidate you into compliance with its misery. After all, misery does love company. So beware of this potential ambush and stay alert. Don’t get intimidated into commiserating on an ego level with others as a way to be connected. Be true to your Spirit and do not feel embarrassed about feeling good about yourself.
OM Times: Is the answer really simple?
Sonia: It really is. My spiritual teacher taught me this lesson when he said years ago, “The way to help the miserable of the world is not to be one of them.” That’s simple enough. So though unpopular, it is, nevertheless, loving to others to love yourself and live your Spirit. In fact it’s the most important decision you can make in your life.
To support this decision, see yourself accurately. We are part of nature, as beautiful as all of God’s holy creations. We are not flawed. We are not defective. We are not deviants. We are Divine, holy expressions, beautiful and pleasing creations, and to love ourselves openly and without hesitation is to accept and trust God’s love for us. If you practice these simple steps life will become very easy. And peaceful, no matter what is going on around you.

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