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The Life of History’s Most Public UFO Contactee

The Life of History’s Most Public UFO Contactee

By Jeffery Pritchett

Gerard-AartsenGerard Aartsen is an educator at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. He is the author of “George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers” (2010) and “Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers” (2011). He has lectured about the Space Brothers in Europe, America, the Philippines and India. Having been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for over thirty years, Mr. Aartsen is able to take a spiritual look at the UFO phenomenon. Jeffery Pritchett, host of the radio show The Church of Mabus, interviewed Gerard Aartsen about George Adamski and his contacts with the Space Brothers.

Jeffery Pritchett:  What was your prime motivation behind creating your book George Adamski – A Herald For The Space Brothers?

Gerard Aartsen: In October 2008 I had written an article about Adamski in which I presented a context for some disparate bits of evidence that he had studied with the Masters of Wisdom in Tibet as a teenager. Having been a student of the Wisdom teaching for over 30 years myself, I was so intrigued by this direct connection between the first of the original contactees to publish his story (in Flying Saucers Have Landed, which he co-authored with Desmond Leslie in 1953) and humanity’s shared Wisdom tradition, that I began to look for further clues.

The Wisdom teachings can be found at the heart of every religion, but have come to humanity more directly – and less distorted – in modern times in several stages, beginning with the works of H.P. Blavatsky in the late 19th century, later expanded on in the books by Alice A. Bailey between 1919 and 1949, and more recently by Benjamin Creme since 1975.

While I was looking into Adamski’s mission and the teachings he was given by his space contacts, I found many more compelling connections, such as the need for humanity to recognize that we are one, not just as a human race – but also one with the planet, and many mutual corroborations of the teachings for the New Age and the information that Adamski received from his space contacts – that I decided to try and write a book. It was an interesting experience because I had never written a book before, so I had no idea if I could do it. Although I was quite pleased with the result myself, readers from around the world have also written to me to say that it has given them a broader perspective, not just on the UFO phenomenon, but on life as such.

JP: Could you tell us about George Adamski’s first initial encounters with the space brothers?

GA: Well, this is interesting, because he described this in great detail in his part of Flying Saucers Have Landed, which took place on 20 November 1952. His report was corroborated by six eyewitnesses, who were with him that day and who signed affidavits before notaries public, but since the onslaught of the disinformation campaign from the mid-1950s onward it is now largely dismissed.

On a hunch, Adamski set out, with two of his associates and two interested couples, to witness a flying saucer in the California desert. Shortly after 12 noon the party saw a mother ship and some time later a flying saucer. When Adamski approached, he noticed a person who had come out of the craft, which he called a ‘scout ship’. Asked why they were coming to Earth, the space man informed Adamski that their coming was friendly and that they were concerned about the destructive effects of atom bombs and nuclear radiation. Adamski also asked about his origin (Venus) and the power used by their craft, and at the end of their exchange, which was largely telepathic, the space person left a footprint in the ground with distinctive markings.

Equally intriguing, to my mind, is the fact that Adamski had already published a pamphlet in 1946, titled “The possibility of life on other planets” and a book in 1949, which he had listed as science fiction, titled The Pioneers of Space – A Trip to the Moon, Mars and Venus. Because many details in this book correspond with details in his 1955 book Inside the Space Ships, debunkers have concluded that his claims were false, but as I have documented in my book, these and several other facts lead me to think that the November 1952 encounter was “set up”, if you will, as the public start of Adamski’s mission, but that he had had encounters before that which he never wrote or spoke about in public.

It is also interesting to note that Dino Kraspedon (pseudonym for Aladino Felix) had a very similar encounter in his native Brazil, on the very same day. Kraspedon was also asked to inform the world of the existence of the visitors from space, their benign intentions, and their serious concern about the dangerous effects of nuclear fission technology. (The English translation of Kraspedon’s story was published in the 1959 book My Contact With Flying Saucers.)

JP: What do we know about George Adamski before his encounters career-wise and about his life and why the space brothers chose him?

GA: Before George Adamski became world famous in the 1950s for his photographs of flying saucers and mother ships, his encounters and the information which the space people asked him to share with the world, he was known as a lecturer on Eastern philosophy, or Universal Law as he called it, in California where he travelled around and where his talks were broadcast on local radio.

His first publication was a summary of his teaching, titled Wisdom of the Masters of the Far East, that came out in 1936 and has amazingly been in print most of the time since then. Students of the Ageless Wisdom tradition know about the Masters of Wisdom through the work of Mme H.P. Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875, who revealed to the Western world the existence of a kingdom in nature above the human, the spiritual kingdom, that is inhabited by people like us, who have gone ahead of us on the path of evolution.

Now, interestingly, as a teenager George Adamski was sent to Tibet to study with some of the Masters. His family was poor and his father died when he was very young, and a mysterious family friend, who had taken on the paternal responsibilities for young George, arranged for him to make that journey, that would be daunting for some adults today, let alone for a teenage boy in the early 20th century! It seems that he acquired some yogic abilities there, but modest as he was, the only known reference that Adamski made to his sojourn in Tibet was in a report in the Los Angeles Times of 8 April 1934.

And Adamski was no ‘ordinary’ man by any standard. In 1980 the Italian contactee Giorgio Dibitonto and two associates had a series of encounters where they were introduced to the same people from Mars, Venus and Saturn that Adamski had introduced to the world in his book Inside the Space Ships, as well as a to a man whose name they were told was ‘George’ and who had lived on Earth for a while to come on a certain assignment. When the publisher of the English edition of Dibitonto’s book, the late Wendelle Stevens, spoke with British esotericist Benjamin Creme in May 1990, the latter confirmed that George Adamski was actually a soul from Venus who had taken incarnation on Earth to fulfil his mission of informing the world about the reality of the extraterrestrial presence. Although not everyone would accept Benjamin Creme’s claim that he is in constant telepathic contact with one of the Masters of Wisdom, who gives him unique insights that would otherwise not be available, it is important to note that many of the statements that Creme has made over the years in relation to the emergence of the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom, have proven accurate. Plus there are other facts and hints that point to Venus as being Adamski’s home planet, which I have documented in my book.

JP: What was the central message to George from the space brothers and was it part of his mission from the start to spread the message?

GA: The purpose of Adamski’s mission was to inform the world of the reality of the people –Brothers he called them – from other planets in our solar system, their benign intentions, and their grave concerns about our use of atom bombs and nuclear power plants. Having been born on Earth, he was obviously unaware of his Venusian origins and his mission for a long time. He was asked to tell the world of his experiences on-board the saucers and the mother ship, where he had long conversations with a number of the crew, including some people he called Masters, the equivalent of the Masters of Wisdom on our planet, from Venus and Saturn, who taught him about the oneness of life and the need for harmlessness in our relation with other each other and the planet. Adamski wrote about these encounters at length in his book Inside the Space Ships, which for many people changed forever the way they looked at the world.

His one-time co-author, Desmond Leslie, who had spent months living with Adamski in 1954 and also spent much time with him when he came to the UK to lecture, wrote a very interesting novel, The Amazing Mr Lutterworth, of which he later admitted that it was 75 per cent non-fiction and based on George Adamski’s mission.

JP: Evidence-wise what did Adamski have regarding his encounters with the space brothers? I see there is some talk about photographs and I know there were diagrams of UFOs right?

GA: Adamski had his photographs, which the experts in his time agreed were authentic, but which are still dismissed by many today as hoaxes, due to the deliberate campaign to defame and deride George Adamski and the other contactees of the 1950s. Although none of the allegations of deceit could be substantiated, with Adamski even offering substantial amounts of money to those who could provide proof that he faked his photographs (see for instance, the majority of UFO researchers seem still unwilling to take them seriously. People who are interested to see his photographs for themselves should not find it difficult to obtain second-hand copies his books, especially online.

I believe he also had some extraterrestrial artefacts, but above all, Adamski had his personal experiences, which he wrote about in his books and the bulletins that he published to keep his worldwide audiences informed.

JP:  Would you give us some history of the books George wrote and what they were titled and perhaps specifically what they embodied?

GA: There is actually a lot to say about Adamski’s publishing history in addition to the books I mentioned here already, but what I find most interesting are some of the bulletins that were never reprinted. These contain a lot of additional information, which I have referenced extensively as source material for my book. Remarkably, while a lot of Adamski’s writings are no longer available in English, in Japan all his writings have been collected in twelve volumes that are still in print today!

I have documented my research into his publications, and published the first extensive overview of his work and related books here, while I made an attempt in my book to present a comprehensive overview of all his publications, for the first time.

JP:  What sort of obstacles did George meet during his life with disinformation and negativity from his case from outside forces or agencies? Also I am curious to George Adamski’s death. What do we know about that and his final moments?

GA: When George Adamski took on his mission, the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union was in full blast. The US and their allies tried to dominate the world with their view of ‘freedom’ as expressed in Western-style democracy, while the Soviets did the same with their view of ‘justice’ in the state-run economies of communist states. (And we now know that both systems are fundamentally flawed because you cannot have a healthy society based on freedom without justice, or vice versa.)

So Adamski’s mission to inform the world that there are actually other, more inclusive ways of organizing society was not at all convenient for the economic and military interests that try to run the world for their own profit, and they colluded to ridicule and defame Adamski especially. He referred to them as the ‘Silence Group’, who went out of their way to try and suppress the truth about the extraterrestrial presence. Of course, the cover-up started in earnest when the military decided in July 1947 to keep the facts surrounding the Roswell crash from the public. But as Adamski reached a worldwide audience with his message of hope, based on a firm understanding of the brotherhood of man and of the need for humanity to act on that understanding, he was getting in the way of the powers behind the governments. Their attempts to confuse and scare the public about the extraterrestrial presence were so insidious that, as a result, the mainstream media still cannot report about sightings without winking, politicians feel unable to raise the subject for fear of ridicule, and even UFO researchers are now so suspicious that critical thinking seems to have been replaced by conspiracy thinking.

See Also

George Adamski died of heart failure on 23 April 1965, while he was with friends in Silver Spring, Maryland.

JP:  What personal message or teaching would you like to share with us from George that comes from his heart and soul to make us understand about his legacy?

GA: Apart from the obvious message about the reality of the space people, their visits and their benign intentions, and the underlying notions of the oneness of all life and the spiritual nature of our existence that we also find in the major Wisdom traditions on Earth, what has impressed me the most about Adamski is his dedication to his task and his mission.

He never wavered from the facts as he saw them, he never blinked in the face of offers of money or threats, he never budged or gave up despite the character assassination that was committed on him. Where others retracted their stories, or adapted them to avoid the massive scorn aimed at contactees, he stood by his information that the space visitors come here as brothers and sisters from the other planets in our solar system. Was he perfect? Of course not, and he never claimed infallibility himself.  But even when most UFO researchers or aficionados still think Adamski is best left ignored, I wouldn’t be surprised if someday soon his bravery will finally be recognised.

I believe that, because it was his mission to introduce the reality of the visitors to the world, he chose not to go into the esoteric distinction between life expressing on the dense-physical planes, as on our planet, or on the more subtle planes of the etheric-physical, as on most other planets. Of course he was much maligned for asserting that his contacts came from Venus and the other planets when our space probes were showing that life as we know it isn’t possible on the dense-physical plane of those planets. However, there is increasing scientific evidence, ranging from Wilhelm Reich’s ‘orgon’ radiation and Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘formative causation’, to the first hints of the ‘God particle’, or Higgs boson, that the esoteric notion of higher planes of matter above the gaseous will soon be common knowledge, even among mainstream scientists.

JP: Are the space brothers still as active with us as they were back in George’s time? Because to me it seems like the field of Ufology is polluted with negativity and you don’t hear as much about the positive as you do the negative. Are they still contacting people actively as much as they were back then?

GA: Yes, as I have shown in my second book, the Brothers from space are here in support of the return to the everyday world of our own Elder Brothers, the Masters of Wisdom, which will lead to a momentous change in our perception of life. The cover-up and debunking efforts will soon prove to have been futile, because the space people are not going to leave for lack of recognition.

They have, in fact, been on this planet since the dawn of mankind on Earth, and are here now in greater number than ever, to help keep our planet intact, amid the commercial plunder of its precious natural resources and rich biodiversity for profit and in complete disregard for our own habitat and health, until humanity realizes that in order to save our souls we need to save our planet (S.O.P.). The visitors have never stopped engaging in individual contact, sometimes even on a mass scale, such as in the now well-known Friendship Case in Italy, which bore some interesting similarities with Adamski’s International Get Acquainted Program. According to information coming from Benjamin Creme, they have been and are working with our scientists, in preparation for the new Technology of Light, that will give us free, unlimited, clean energy, for all our needs. And so, in addition to their wisdom, they have also been sharing their technology.

JP: Any departing words on Adamski as we finalize this interview and also what’s next for you book or projects wise that you would like to share with us?

GA: When I had finished George Adamski – A Herald for the Space Brothers I didn’t think there was much more for me to say. But with additional sources that came my way after its publication, I soon followed up with Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers. There I provide more corroborations of Adamski’s information in the context of many other cases of contact, and again, I think there isn’t much I can add. But since I’ve been proven wrong in that respect once before, you never know, but there are no concrete plans at the moment.

As for George Adamski, I think he was the bravest of all contactees and I can only hope that my research and my book help to rehabilitate his legacy to some extent. Otherwise, I’m happy to leave it to the events that are unfolding in the world now to allow researchers who have so far chosen to ignore him, or people who continue to ridicule him without looking into the facts, to come to terms with the fact that Adamski’s experiences were absolutely real and his mission a major service to humanity. He was a trailblazer. Just as Copernicus helped us to realize that the Earth wasn’t the center of the universe, and Mme Blavatsky helped us to understand that the evolution of the physical form only facilitates the evolution of consciousness, so Adamski will go down in history as the pioneer who helped us see that life in general, and the human form in particular, is a universal occurrence and not limited to our small planet.

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