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The Relaxed Soul: When We Feel Burdened

The Relaxed Soul: When We Feel Burdened

By Dr Paul Haider

Relaxed-SoulPIN IT
If you look at near dearth experiences you will see that in the end we came to experience… and what we do with that experiences is key. Suffering is something we came to experience… and also to help others and give love.

We did not come just to have a good time, we did not come to just have joy, look at Jesus  and Buddha, and many of the other avatars… they all suffered and were OK with it.

Helping others sometimes comes with a price… and that price may be that we will suffer in order to help another who needs our help.

Also we will look back on our experiences and relive all the heart felt experiences that we have gone through, and also relive what others have felt during interactions… and know how all of it played out in the end.

We will see the bigger picture… and know from a higher level that none of it was for not.

Also remember that it is not suffering if we don’t think of it as suffering… it’s doing what we came here to do… that in it self is enough.

See Also

Give Love Young Avatars, Love with All Your Heart… and Then Give Some More!

Dr. Paul Haider – Counselor, and Spiritual Advisor, and Master Herbalist for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Center for Creative Living Church, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, plus Punjab Teas.


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