The String Liberation
By Subash Lohani
My personal journey of consciousness began with the statement by Paolo Coelho: ‘If you really want something the universe will conspire to give it to you.’ The statement that could be as obfuscating to a listener as much as it could be inspiring to a dreamer. It is a bit of paradox that while spending the first twenty-five years of my life in Nepal, I never meditated a single instance. But in 2009, while I was staying in Boston, waiting for interviews for neurosurgical residency, things were different. Consciousness was floating in the air, suffusing my mind, and perfusing my blood. The Bostonian air was evoking me to feel that consciousness, understand its meaning and help others understand it.
My practice of meditation is pretty simple. I close my eyes. Breathe gently. Think nothing. At least keep attempting. Bodily perceptions start changing now and then. Here and there. Then I start focusing on those altered perceptions in a curiosity to understand the basis of those changes. Sometimes there is a tingle. A sense of rotation. At times a way through the tunnel. Ultimately there is light.
During normal state, our brain wanders within a small space. Meditation buys you access into the universal mind. Just like a mirror has an image of the objects in front of it, the same way the universal mind has the image of all the matter and time in this material space. Jules Verne would walk his protagonist around the world in 80 days. If I were to travel the world, I would actually sit at a place, enter into the mind, and see it rotate in front of my eyes as if a rotating globe, rather than myself go around it. Earth then becomes too small for 80 days. It is possible to be around the universe in 7 days even. Can you conjure that possibility? The power of mind is immense to those who respectfully believe in it. It deserves more than faith.
There was a time when our forefathers used to think that the earth is flat. It turned out to be an oblate sphere. This is a time when scientists think that our universe is flat, though other models have been conceived. (Figure 1) If I were to start from an arbitrary point in this universe, I would be back to the same spot. My observation tells me that omega is greater than one. Since science has already calculated the possibility, my observation means too little to the proof that awaits in the future..
So much for the spherical universe. Let’s get down all the way to being ‘quantum’. I do not know if quantum physicists will be happy to know that string is a self-conscious entity, but it is. It is not only self-conscious but by virtue of being so, it responds to our consciousness as well.
During one of my meditative experience, I felt as if I was immersed in a field full of strings. Strings stacked and lined in pattern, and that I was running in between the aisles. But that was brief. Science has hypothesized the existence of a string. (Figure 2) Meditation allowed me an observation.
At a different period during my meditation, I confronted a closed circular string. I saw there a huge body of water and the string looking at its own reflection in the water. It went closer to the surface of the water, waited a couple seconds and moved up a little higher. It then folded itself into a symbol of infinity and divided into two. Strings can divide. Strings can replicate.
Strings can behave in a lot more ways. A string can expand as well as contract. A strings can lose its circular form and assume other geometric shapes. It can generate projections and form pseudopods like that of an amoeba. When in large numbers and guided by appropriate consciousness, they can create various patterns as well. All in all, string behaves like an organism. But no surprise, it can vibrate and disappear out.
Strings essentially dance to our imagination. To our intended thoughts. This explains how our thoughts shape our matter. This is how prayers affect our lives. We are all vibrations that have precipitated into matter and forgotten our essential nature. It is important to realize our vibratory essence to maintain a healthy way of living. Just like any musical instrument needs to be tuned to make good music, it is important to keep ourselves aligned and tuned with the cosmic vibration if we want a meaningful existence. As simple as the word ‘OM’.
An individual unit of consciousness can ultimately be reduced to a unitary string consciousness, without losing any single bit of information assigned to that unit of consciousness. When we are born into this world we gather our body in our mother’s womb from the vibration of this cosmos. Ultimately we have to return back to our unitary essence of string consciousness. That is the ultimate destination of our spiritual journey. String to string. To become a string is to loose everything but consciousness. To become a string is to be one with the unitary essence of the cosmos. To become a string is to become a vibration. To gain liberation. The string liberation.
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