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Three Risks Worth Taking

Three Risks Worth Taking

By Cristina Smith

“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”. -Anaïs Nin There is nothing quite like the comfort of your own world. Everything is going along how you think it should be.  You know exactly how things are and what to expect from yourself and those around you. At least most of the time. And then, all of a sudden, something changes. And you didn’t have anything to say about it. And you don’t really like it at all.

Often times, these changes can shatter your cocoon of comfortable complacency and propel you into an emotional tizzy/meltdown of blame (of ourselves and/or others). You have the power to change all of that with a little bit of practice. How? By practicing changing yourself by your own choice. Once you get used to changing when it is your idea, when circumstances decide to bring change into your world, the impact isn’t nearly so dramatic and upsetting.  It’s risky to take charge of your perceptions of your life in this way. You risk having a better ability to accommodate what is happening in your life rather than resisting it. You risk being happier and you risk knowing yourself better.

Here are three risks worth taking to get you going in the direction of being more comfortable with your world, no matter which way the winds of change blow.

Take time for yourself. There is always more for you to do, no matter how much you have already done. Additionally there is always more for you to be. During these busy times, please take the risk of spending more time with yourself to get to know deep down inside, more about who you are. This is risky because you will find parts of yourself you love and parts you are not so fond of. That’s totally human. Once you are aware of these parts, you have choices. You can decide to change those parts or keep them the same way.  Taking the risk to initiate your own inner changes pays off in priceless personal evolution every time.

Try something new. We have the tendency to stick to what we know and what we are good at. There is a big risk in experimenting with new ideas, activities, skills or interests. Why? We learn new things about ourselves. That leads us to expanding our worlds and comfort zones to include more life.

Enjoy life as it is. Your life is as it is right now. You have the choice as to how you feel about it. If you think it sucks, it does. Maybe it isn’t what you want by a long shot but there is no benefit in pouring negativity into yourself and your life. In fact, these toxic emotions often make us sick. You can change how you feel about your life condition and decide to get as much out of it as you can. You can take the risk of looking at your current situation as a challenge or opportunity, rather than torture and punishment. What you gain when you take that risk, is living a life of expanding consciousness and awareness.

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These three risks are ones that can really help make navigating the waters of inevitable change easier and more interesting. They can help us shift from being a victim of circumstance of changes to an open-minded, open-hearted seeker in this adventure we call life.  Are you willing to take that risk?

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Cristina Smith is ‘The Subtle Energy Specialist’™.  An internationally sought- after medical intuitive and metaphysical seeker, Cristina coaches people on how to enhance their lives with proven energetic techniques. She is a Teacher of Life in the Panacea Community ( You may contact her at:

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