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Apatite and Encouraging Inspiration

Apatite and Encouraging Inspiration

By Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

Properties: Apatite is a great stone for encouraging inspiration. It is the stone used for humanitarian efforts and attitudes. It gives us insight into our own humility, our appreciation and desire toward service for mankind as well as, helps us to access information. Apatite allows us to connect between past and future, the conscious and unconscious and the psychic and intuitive centers. Blue apatite is used especially to heal and stimulate the Throat Chakra, the kidney point for self-expression, teaching, healing, and verbally expressing yourself. Purple apatite is used especially to heal and stimulate the Third Eye Chakra for intuition, psychic insight and stimulation of the pineal gland. Yellow apatite is used primarily for the Solar Plexus Chakra for assimilation, creative spark as well as, intuitive awakening. Apatite is famous for deepening meditation.

Folk Remedies: Since apatite has very high concentrations of minerals as well as trace minerals, it is often used for bone, joint and degenerative ailments such as arthritis, back pain and osteoporosis. The high calcium content strengthens bones, muscles and helps with mineral assimilation. The stone is used for issues with the mouth, throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, and especially stuttering. It is a cooling stone used for stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys. Therefore it is good for indigestion, weight loss and appetite disturbances either excess or deficient. Helpful for reducing hunger or improving hunger, as it is believed the stone senses the bodies’ needs. Helpful for children coping during their growth years as apatite benefits muscle tissue and general motor skills. Promotes calcium absorption. Eases hypertension and restores clear thought. Yellow apatite is helpful for lifting depression and helping with chronic fatigue.

Feng Shui: Apatite is used primarily anywhere to help bring inspiration. Consider using this stone in the Center for balance, health and grounding, in the West for children and in the East for community and family.

Crystal Cleansing: method 1 – 8 

History: Apatite Ca5[(F,OH, Cl)(PO4)3] belongs to the family of phosphate minerals and is believed to have very high concentrations of the minerals as well as trace minerals. This stone has been found in dark blue, purple, white, yellow, green, orange, brown and clear. This stone forms in transparent, translucent, and/or opaque forms. The crystal form is hexagonal and often glassy in appearance. The word for this stone derives from the Greek word “apatao” meaning “I am mistaken” as it has easily been confused with half a dozen other minerals over the centuries. It is most commonly confused with fluorite, beryl and aquamarine. Found all over North America as well as in Mexico, Norway, USSR and Sri Lanka. Apatite is a mineral still in its embryonic stage as a healer.

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Limbic Resonance

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Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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