Awakening to Our Premonitions
By Meredith Smith
Many of us may not realize that every waking moment that passes the one before most likely signaled us to what was, and is, going to happen next. This signal can be the slightest touch, the softest breathe, the wind blowing forcefully against us, the flash of a light, or the movement of a shadow passing by us. These signs from the universe, a loved one, a stranger, our guides, or our inner voice appear in our waking lives and every night within our dreamtime; they are called premonitions. A universal secret language sometimes so encrypted in symbolic code we tend to look right past premonitions, close our hearing off to an unrecognizable sound, ignore the words of a whisper, or brushing off a signal as if there is a piece of insanity in believing that our inner voice speaks to us in a pure language of truth.
A premonition may appear as a warning, it may be a vision of something positive that will happen, or it may bubble to the surface from deep below carrying with it a profound feeling of knowing, all giving you an intuitive awareness of what is about to take place next. Premonitions communicate with us by springing up as a sudden bit of insight, they may announce the arrival of a friend or loved one’s energetic field that you are tapped into (similar to that moment when a friend pops into your mind weighing heavily on your mind and minutes later you receive a phone call from them), and as an impulsive awareness to connect with a complete stranger. A premonition in a dream can appear as something simple and lucid, it can show itself as robust, or it could be extremely complex you are left spinning in circles wondering how to connect the dots.
We all experience those moments of wonder when something takes place before us and we begin to feel there was that one moment when we could have done something to prevent or change a thought, action, grief, tragedy. We may think, “Was I given a sign of premonition in waking or dreaming? Or was this an inevitable? Did the universe have a plan I am unable to interfere with? Or was my chance taken the moment I doubted the sign?” These are some of the unknowing, the unexplained mysteries of premonitions, the reason why it can be difficult at times to decode the message given to us.
If the future is appearing before you:
-You sense that the imagery or signal (whether in your dream or waking life) is foretelling.
-You can feel the imagery, or you can hear the voice, coming from that place in which your intuition resides.
-There is a unique sense of knowing that will not disappear. It may be gnawing at the very core of your whole being.
Once you put words to the imagery, the moment you add voice, and once you speak it out loud, you will begin to feel as if a weight has lifted, and slowly you watch the changes that take place within you and within your waking life. We may not always prevent our premonitions from taking place. Even if we speak it out loud or put a wrench in the premonition’s plan it does not mean that we have the control to stop what is meant to take place. However, what we may be able to decipher from these premonitions is that the more we are tapped into our inner voice and to the subconscious whole of each other we will be able to begin to cultivate how we live within every moment of our lives, how we react and cope amongst the positive and negative, how we find acceptance in the light and dark, ultimately preparing ourselves for the outcome that is meant to be.
The greatest insights that appear before us take place within the silence we choose to exist within. Sitting in moments of stillness we are capable of hearing every voice, feel every sense, and grow a better understanding to our own knowing. Ultimately it is what we feel when our inner voice speaks to us within our quiet, allowing its insight to move through and bringing clarity to our knowing.
Five ways to awaken to the clarity of premonitions five minutes a day:
-Awaken to your surroundings, notice what is happening around you.
-Turn off the white noise and monkey mind.
-Stop listening for a moment at what anyone else thinks and feels and listen to your inner self.
-Be silent.
-Be present. Be present in your feelings that emerge quietly within the silence.
By taking moments out of each day of our lives to center ourselves and check in with the universe we begin to connect with the future within the present. By giving ourselves permission to be aware of the positive and negative messages being passed on to us, we grant premonitions to become a cherished resource that illuminates our lives, awakening and enlightening us to the surprising element that we hold much more knowledge about our futures than we allow ourselves to realize.
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About the Author
Meredith Smith is a Dream Intuitive, Author of DreamWorkers Behind the Veil; Night Shift Dreams, and offers Distance Reiki Sessions / Remote Viewing sessions. Meredith is an astral traveler and dream translator existing on the boundary line of waking and dreamtime ~ she speaks in dreams.
To learn more about dreams, dream guides, afterlife communication, DreamWorkers, Night Shift Dreams, Spirits of our past & future, and Reiki & Energy Healing visit:
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