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Energetic Transitions

Energetic Transitions

By Veronica Lee

When we experience things that are not physically visible, we may wonder if they are real or actually affect us. For example, when our hormones are wreaking havoc on our systems – as they do for teens and pregnant women – we don’t always identify what is really going on. Rather, we react with the impact of this unseen force, sometimes subtly and other times quite intensely. Like hormones, energy is a powerful, unseen force that affects all of us. Although the sun didn’t stop shining and the earth didn’t collapse around us on December 21, 2012, the impact of the energetic shifts we are experiencing is enormous.

Like the teen or mother-to-be, collectively we have entered a huge evolutionary transition. Spiritually and humanly, we are becoming a grander being.

And, unfortunately, like the hormonal surges we’ve all experienced during times of major physical growth and change, these energetic surges can affect our emotions as well as our other bodies. We may find ourselves feeling uncertain, angry, lost, blissed-out, weepy – sometimes all at once – at the drop of a hat.

Energetically we are experiencing a “divide” within us. This can feel like a great loss, as if we are grieving. Simultaneously, there is also a “quickening.” Excitement, anticipation and even anxiety can well up within us for no perceivable reason. As we expand into greater awareness, things begin to feel like a paradox, which only adds confusion – of course!

Simply acknowledging the unseen forces and their notable affects will help ease the intensity. Although there may not be visible signs, you can rest assured that you are not imagining the energetic shifts of our times.

It’s extremely helpful to recognize that you, as well as our planet, are in transition.

Knowing you’re not alone is not only comforting; it can make it easier to find information and resources. It’s also nice to note that transitions, by definition, imply a phase. This transition is temporary. By remembering “this too shall pass,” you can put whatever is going on in perspective.

See Also

Although we can generally predict a pregnancy to last nine months and the teen years to last, well, during the teen years, it’s not so easy to predict how long this transition will last. First, each of us is an individual and we have our own paths and soul intentions. Second, the human collective acts as sort of an energetic unit that greatly influences the individuals within it. However, this collective unit is expanding, which – in essence – is creating “more space” in which each individual can create his or her own reality more easily. In other words, there’s more room to grow and accelerate your personal transition.

Even though there might not have been a global extravaganza on the Winter Solstice, 2012 was an intense year indeed. And, like every year before it, we did normal things. We laughed, cried, planned, failed and carried on. Yet, those unseen surges were actively assisting significant growth on all levels.  As we enter 2013, the shift is far from over. We are still shifting and expanding. We are still in transition. The question is, How do you want to become who you really are?

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