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Hope for Those Wanting to Have Children – Herbs for Male Fertility

Hope for Those Wanting to Have Children – Herbs for Male Fertility

In the US there are lots of people having a hard time conceiving because of low sperm count but there is hope… herbs can help. Here are a few herbs and other things that can help in amazing ways for better sperm morphology, motility, and more.

Goji Berry – Goji is a great antioxidant that protects sperm from the ravages of free radicals and at the same time balances hormones. It also increases sperm quantity and motile, and there are many collaborated stories about old men in China eating goji berries and living to be extremely old, having 14 wives, and having over 200 children.

TribulusTerrestris Herb – Tribulus is well known for increasing testosterone levels naturally and at the same time increasing conception by over 60%. Tribulus deactivates antisperm antibodies that kill sperm thus allowing sperm to reach the egg. Tribulus also increases DHEA in the body thus increasing hormone production for better libido and helping with erectile dysfunction.

Maca Root – Maca root is great for balancing hormones in both men and women. Maca increases sperm count and motility, and helps with stress, increases libido, lowers blood pressure, and helps with adrenal exhaustion.

Ginseng Root – Ginseng strengthens the immune system, balances hormones, helps with stress, and also works well for erectile dysfunction, libido, and counter acts antisperm antibodies. At the same time ginseng boosts testosterone, supports the adrenal glands, and increases stamina and performance.


Fo-ti – Fo-ti is very well known in China and widely used for increasing sperm motility, enhancing vitality, boosting endurance and libido, slow the aging process, boosting sperm count, and helping with erectile dysfunction. It’s also increases vital energy to the sexual organs… and nourish the kidney and liver meridians thus helping with stress and anxiety.

Horny Goat Weed – Horny goat weed releases nitric oxide in the body thus improving circulation… which helps with erectile dysfunction, stamina, and promotes long lasting erections.

Guava Leaf Tea – Studies show that guava leaves increase sperm production and at the same time creates better quality sperm. Plus guava leaves have many health benefits including being a powerful cancer fighting agent, boosting the immune system, helping with diabetes, and fighting infections.

Astralagus – This wonderful all purpose herb works well for increasing fertility, boosting the immune system, and increasing sperm motility. It also moves vital energy from the liver meridian to the lungs thus helping with asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Ashwagandha Root – This amazing herb is well known for helping with stress, but at the same time it boosts the libido and sperm count… and it also nourishes the immune system, adrenals, and balances hormones.

More Herbs – Here are three other herbs that can also help with male fertility: ginkgo increases circulation to the sexual organs, schisandra increase sperm count, and saw palmentto promotes prostate health.

See Also

Hypnosis, Acupuncture, and Meditation – Also hypnosis helps with male fertility by helping with stress… and the mind/body connection is very powerful allowing for lots of changes to happen with simple suggestion.

Acupuncture works well for many people with fertility challenges, and meditation works well for both male and female fertility. Remember stress hinders the mind/body… relaxing deeply with meditation allows the body to heal thus creating fertility.

You can order these herbs on-line or ask for them at your local health food store.

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Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist, Counselor, and Spiritual Advisor for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Center for Creative Living Church, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas.

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