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Love the One You’re With (even more with Feng Shui)

Love the One You’re With (even more with Feng Shui)

By Laura Carucci

Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places?  Is your love life a slice of heaven or “A Battlefield”?  Love is in the air this month, does it smell as sweet as a rose or does “Love Stink”?

Is your love life gratifying?   Does your partner love, accept, respect, support and encourage you?    Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and it’s a holiday that is simultaneously adored and abhorred.  If you are deeply in love with someone, it’s a wonderful holiday to share with flowers, a romantic dinner and PDAs.  If your relationship recently ended or you find you’re otherwise single, it can feel  as though you are auditioning for the lonely hearts club.

From earliest memories my mother often repeated this phrase, “Remember you can’t depend on anyone else for your happiness”.  I really didn’t know what she meant, but as she repeated it throughout  my youth  and onward, I began to realize the true import of her statement.  When you look outside of yourself for love, happiness, acceptance, et cetera, you leave yourself ripe for disappointment.  Expecting someone else to fulfill your dreams, gets you off the hook when results are less than stellar.  Some may feel it’s easier to complain about unfulfilled dreams and desires than to be responsible for the success of your efforts.  After all, when you are left less than completely thrilled, who are you going to blame?

In reality, following your heart, doing what you are passionate about feeds your Soul.  Only you know what  truly inspires you.   We all have many demands on our time, it seems we are getting more and more busy, having much responsibility at home and at work, but it’s important that you carve out a bit of time each day for yourself.  You need to make this a priority.  Why is it the first thing we cut from our busy schedule is “me” time.  When we do so, we are telling others that our needs are not as important or worthy, not the message you want to send out to the universe.  Take time, do something fun. Go for a walk outside, a short jog or hike.  Take time to enjoy a cup of coffee, read a treasured novel.  Go to an art class, dance class, ceramics class, etc cetera.  Whatever gets your creative juices flowing will inspire you and recharge your batteries.  In turn, your enthusiasm will inspire others.   You will immediately feel the benefit with renewed energy, a sense of peace, and satisfaction.

Now, February is the shortest month of the year and it’s chock full of holidays.   One you may be unaware of is World Feng Shui Day, which is February 5th.  I would like to take a few moments  of your time to impart some tips on how to create a supportive, loving, sensual  space, whether you are currently in a relationship or seeking true love.  There are easy things you can do to your space to change the energy, creating a more balanced, loving, receptive and supportive environment.

First, take a look around your bedroom.  Is there clutter piled on the floors, on dressers, in closets, in drawers?   Clutter blocks Chi, saps our energy, makes a space feel heavy and takes up space best left open for what we truly desire in life.   Clear out those things you no longer need.  Perhaps you can donate those old clothes that no longer fit and are out of style.  This creates space for new opportunities and relationships.  Throw away those broken items you’ve been saving to fix when you find the time.  If you have duplicates of the same item, sell them on ebay or donate them .  Still holding onto gifts or momentos from an ex?  Do yourself a favor and get rid of those things that cause a negative emotion, why waste another minute being surrounded by them ?  Instead, thoughtfully place items in your space which represent what a loving relationship means to you.  Perhaps it’s artwork or photography of a romantic locale, a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers, a box of decadent treats.  What about scented candles?  Candles add sensual lighting with aromas that can enhance romance.  Whatever moves you, add it to your bedroom space now.

Next, take an inventory of your bed.  Is your mattress old and lumpy?   Are your pillows flattened from years of use?  Is your bedding leftover dorm type material?  Is it soiled from baby bottles and pets?  Are your sheets and comforter old and frayed?  It’s time to invest in some new bedding.  Buy extra pillows of varying firmness and sizes.   An abundance of pillows adds a pampered touch.  You can utilize them to caress your body.  Choose sheets  that feel sexy to the touch,  to arouse your senses.  Pick sensual colors or patterns that spark your passion.   It’s amazing how the texture and color of your sheets can enhance your mood.  If you are in a relationship, it will add some spice.  If you are currently single, don’t wait for a new relationship to spruce up your bed linens, you deserve to have a beautiful space to sleep in now.

Are you in a relationship that feels unbalanced?  It may be the location of your bed.  Is there an equally clear path on both sides of the bed?  If not, shift it to create that balance.  Do both sides have similar nightstands and lamps?  If one side of the bed has a lamp and nightstand and the other side does not, it can cause a relationship where one party is less supported and thereby more dependent on the other.  This is also true if you are seeking a new loving, balanced relationship in your life, proper bed placement is an important factor.  Also by having various light sources available, candles, night lamps, overheard light dimmers, each can assist in setting a romantic tone.

What about your flooring?   When you step off your bed is the floor cold and hard?  If so, adding a thick, comfy area rug underfoot can be really scrumptious.

Now what do the walls look like?  Are they white and drab?  Are they covered in bold, bright colors?  Dreary gray tones, old wallpaper?   Wall color should be soothing and relaxing.   If you must have white walls, then add colorful wall art.  Adding a punch of red in the bedroom can spark your desire.   Reds and pinks are the colors representing the relationship area of the Bagua map. Harmony Design Bagua  These can be added in pillow colors, sheets, accent pieces and candles.

Do you want your partner to love, accept, respect, support and encourage you?  Then stop looking for love in all the wrong places.  The first place to look is at the man/woman in the mirror.  When we truly unconditionally love, accept and respect ourselves, we attract the same from others.  What we focus on is what we attract to us.  Stop focusing on your perceived shortcomings.  I encourage you to embrace the good, the bad and, yes, even the ugly parts that you hide from the world.  Love all parts, as they each are responsible for creating the glorious person in the mirror.  Stop wasting time dwelling on the past, it’s history.  All that is important is Now.   And stop waiting for the perfect relationship to live your life.   Make a candlelight dinner for one, add some musical ambiance.  Buy yourself flowers, jewelry and other gifts of love.  Take that romantic trip to Paris, Rome , Greece or wherever tickles your fancy.  Love may be there waiting for you to arrive.

See Also

Each morning as you look in the mirror feel the deep, unconditional love of/for the unique, beautiful, divinely created reflection gazing back at you.   Go a step further and make a list of all the positive attributes you bring to a relationship?  Are you a great organizer?  Can you make people laugh?  Are you a good cook?  Are you a good listener, problem solver?

Master this and watch the miracles and magic unfold.  It will be magnificent.

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Laura Carucci is a Certified Advanced Interior Alignment Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher.  Laura’s AIA certification includes Instinctive Feng Shui, Medicine Wheel Feng Shui, Space Clearing, Blessing Ceremonies and Synchro?Alignment.  Laura is co?host of CBS radio’s Now Age Zen and owner of Zenmetry, LLC. Laura provides in?person and remote services as well as classes on a variety of topics.  For more info visit: Http:// or 

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