Mars in Pisces: Releasing the Illusion of Control
By Cindy Morris
Mars enters Pisces today for his stay in the watery realms until March 12th. I was born with Mars in Pisces so I can attest to the power of this dynamic – the power of aligning with Spirit because everything else is illusion and won’t work any way.
The ego loves to think it knows what it wants and what to do and how to control everything. Mars in Pisces can’t stop laughing about that. How can anything be greater than the ocean, than the cosmos, than the essence of the Divine will? Nothing can be. And the sooner you accept that the happier you will be.
While Mars is in Pisces (or for those of us born with Mars in Pisces) it’s a daily, moment-by-moment surrender of your Will to the Divine Will. Hey listen, this is not easy to do. It’s not like following a recipe and voila! your quiche is done. It’s a practice of catching yourself every time you think you have control over things, people, and circumstances when in fact you are co-creating WITH SOURCE energy, the experiences you are having. Actually it’s a tremendous relief to know you don’t have to carry the whole mess of life yourself. I mean, really, what madness to think that you could. As soon as you release control all kinds of magic is possible. If you resist letting go of control you limit the potential magic that can, and wants to, work so specifically in your life.
A beautiful crystal to help you relax and connect with higher energies is Angelite. Just looking at the gentle, soft blue of Angelite is soothing. Wait til you touch it – divine!
Transcend the personal and merge with SOURCE energy, even for just a few moments at a time and witness miracles unfold in your life. Report back. Don’t have a clue how to transcend your ego monkey mind? Meditate.
Don’t know how to meditate? Completely turned off by even the thought of meditating?
Try following one of John Corsa’s guided chakra clearing and healing meditation.
It’s way easier to meditate if you follow a guided meditation. And John’s meditations are divine.
Speaking of the Divine. I asked John do talk about GOD and so he does here on this enlightening video clip.
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Cindy Morris, msw, is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job , co-author of Reclaim Your Intuition, The LOVE Books, and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, has run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now lives in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in their Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work.
Learn more about Cindy by visiting:

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