Rev-ving up for Mercury Retrograde
Mercury goes Retrograde Feb 23-Mar 17
By Cindy Morris
It’s hard to believe that Mercury is preparing to go retrograde for another 3 week spin. I don’t know about you but in my world I have felt like I have been in a Mercury retrograde spin-out for months now without a break. All kinds of mysterious things have been happening and many things have gone awry, askew, and every which way other than how I had thought they would go. Such is the nature of the mischievous messenger of the Gods. When this happens in your own life, keep laughing and keep giving your energy, your LOVE, your caring. Mercury in Pisces is all about that!
As we enter this Mercury retrograde cycle it’s a Pisces line-up like you won’t believe.
Neptune (ruler of Pisces), the Sun, Chiron, Mars, and Mercury are all in the sign of Pisces. So best we take a look at what Pisces energy is all about and how to use it best in your life.
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. I like to think of Neptune as the higher octave of the LOVE planet Venus, the expression of Divine LOVE. Divine LOVE is the One Heart Consciousness, the KNOWING that we are all ONE and that what any one of us thinks, feels, and experiences affects the WHOLE. That can feel overwhelming, I know, but it is important for you to direct your LOVE and COMPASSION first towards your own precious SELF and then towards something towards which you can actually effect a positive change. I have an idea for you later in this newsletter.
Neptune moving through its home sign of Pisces empowers this mystical planet to activate Divine LOVE in these times when it is so needed. Neptune reminds you to surrender to the path of unconditional LOVE for yourself and for others, to give generously from your heart, KNOWING that you are being given to generously from the heart of the Universal consciousness. You can give money, you can give LOVE, you can give a kind word, a loving thought. Generosity is a state of consciousness, a KNOWING that you have plenty to give and that what you give from your heart has true VALUE.
The Sun in Pisces activates the CORE LIFE FORCE ESSENCE, reminding you to be in the Universal flow. Be like the ocean. Come up on the shore and float back into ONENESS. Float like fishies in the water, allowing the current to bring you to your next best destination in consciousness.
Chiron in Pisces supports the deepest healing of your unconscious patterns. Release, release, release. Send the EGO on a much-needed vacation and allow yourself to KNOW you are DIVINE SOURCE energy and, as such, you have the ability to heal yourself completely and totally. Chiron in Pisces supports your complete healing as you surrender your EGO and your need to be RIGHT to the Will of the Divine, of which you are a spark. When you let go of needing to be right, you allow what is right for you to work its magic in your life.
Mars in Pisces aligns your ACTION with Divine Will. Nothing better than that!
Mercury in Pisces allows you to communicate directly from your Divine spark to another’s Divine spark. Align your consciousness with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you will speak only the highest vibration of compassion and forgiveness.
Doesn’t that feel so good?
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About the Author
Cindy Morris, msw, is a practicing astrologer and writer for over 30 years. She is the author of Priestess Entrepreneur: Success is an Inside Job , co-author of Reclaim Your Intuition, The LOVE Books, and numerous short memoir stories. Cindy has a Masters in Social Work, has run a successful flower shop, was raised in the Bronx and now lives in Boulder, CO where she collaborates with intuitive healer and crystologist, John Corsa in their Ignite Your Soul Potential transformational work.
Learn more about Cindy by visiting:

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