Tonight’s Virgo Full Moon: Calibrating Your Vibration
…for the Piscean Pool of Possibility
By Cindy Morris
It’s the FULL MOON in Virgo and a line-up of Piscean energy that will make control freaks feel like they are losing their minds, which may not be the worst thing in the long run. Certainly some mind-loosening could do a world of good!
This Full Moon opposes the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and the ruler of Pisces, Neptune, all hanging out in the Piscean soup of ONENESS. The Virgo Moon tries to figure all this out (not going to happen), control every little thing (no way that’s even a possibility), and organize what turns out to be just clouds (good luck with that). To really appreciate Virgo energy this Full Moon, focus on your service. -how are you of service to the Divine?
How well do you heed your own Higher Guidance?
-how willing are you to do what is required in order for you to be free of your own emotional debris, clearing the way to
-how willing are you to acknowledged your own dysfunction and have the discernment to begin your personal healing?
Meditate with a MOONSTONE placed at your hairline. The Moonstone is the stone used by the High Priestesses to connect with SOURCE energy. The Moonstone helps you to develop your ability to discern, to cross through the veils of illusion to your own inner wisdom, your connection to the Sacred Divine Feminine – your intuitive instinct.
Proper discernment is mandatory for safe and meaningful journeys through the Piscean realm. The Piscean realm is a very high vibration realm of Divine LOVE, unconditional LOVE, and compassion. Many of us feel uncomfortable in a Piscean experience. If you have fears of being out of control, Piscean energy will exacerbate those fears. The only way to manage that fear is to do the Piscean imperative: surrender to Source and be willing to be of service to your fellow sentient beings on this most beautiful planet. The credo for Pisces is: “I serve or I suffer”.
As you begin to develop discernment around how you are behaving in relationship to what guidance you are receiving, you will begin to understand how critically important it is to keep your vibration calibrated as high as needs be to keep you in a constant state of JOY.
Here’s John Corsa, crystal healer, talking on RAISING YOUR VIBRATION. It’s a wonderful little spiritual treat. Take a look.
You are needed in your highest functioning JOY state.
Thank you for raising your vibration.
It’s highly contagious.
Report back with random acts of JOY-making.
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