Tuning In With Telepathy

Are you able to access telepathy?
Telepathy – Turn on and Tune In!
Telepathy is the transfer of thoughts and/or emotions from person to person. As humans, we all have the possibility to successfully transfer thoughts instantly! In times of great need and boundless joy we have all unknowingly captured that energy with the beauty of our thoughts and requests for help. That energy, which lives in the spiritual consciousness, answers us in astounding ways.
There are many spiritually advanced souls living on the planet now who are able to channel with angelic realms and ascended masters at will. Being aware of the ability and knowing how to listen to it is an important step in controlling the energy waves which strengthen telepathic abilities between humans.
It has been reported throughout the history of mankind people have telepathically sent messages across waves of energy existing in the consciousness. There are many remarkable documented cases of the transfer of thoughts and emotions involving twins, close friends, family members and even strangers passing by. It is also an ability that can be developed over time and can be extremely heightened when you are in a group of spiritually advanced souls gathered in or near a high-energy portal or vortex. It is without a doubt an enlightening experience! It is the future in communication, the end of the cell phone. It is our instant link to each other that nothing else can compete with.
I recently had several profound experiences with instant telepathy at a spiritual gathering. Three times someone appeared within seconds to assist me just by thinking “I need some help with this.” Later, I was standing in a line and thinking, “I hope this is the right line,” and the person in front of me turned around and said, “Me too.” “Did I say that out loud?” “No,” he said, and we laughed for five minutes. It was incredible to feel such energy surging through everyone and everything there. The synchronicity and the vibrational forces were almost overwhelming in how they combined to make everything glow and appear surreal. It was healing in every way! This is the future of gatherings all over the world.
Have you ever felt someone’s presence around you, or even heard them speaking, and then the phone rings or you are compelled to check on them? Their consciousness is absolutely able to reach out to you for help that they may not even be aware of in a waking state. This is the transference of thought to or from someone you can be very close to or part of the same soul group. This is why the energy involved is so intense, the messages relayed are so profound, and instances turn out to be true.
Several years ago, I woke up one morning and knew an old friend was in deep trouble. I had not spoken to this person in a very long time. I dialed the number and was asked how I knew what had happened. They had just lost someone very close and were in a deep depression. Unknowingly, they had asked me for help in an astral travel state as I could hear them directly and feel their emotions even though I had not seen or talked to them physically in years. They had a hard time believing that no one had called me, so did I at the time. It was amazing.
Practicing your telepathy involves several factors and always keep in mind that your innermost thoughts are always protected by you, plus the guides keeping watch over you. Constant spiritual practice and meditation help to heighten the awareness of all vibrational energies surrounding you, showing how to listen and read them. The reason it is not always possible or even advisable to try to predict the future as absolute for someone else is the reader must be getting their information from a channeled source outside the mind of the person being read. Otherwise, a psychic is only capable of reading a person’s mind of what they would “like” to happen in the future. Being able to connect with the true spiritual guidance that gives someone life options and their own personal connection to spirit is a more favorable practice. Helping others to empower their own abilities is how we evolve into a society of peace and trust.
Since anything can be overcome and healed, anything is possible to manifest. This is the ultimate goal of evolving our metaphysical abilities to ascension. Mental telepathy is truly a radiant gift we can all be grateful for.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch lives near Huntsville, AL and works full time as a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity dedicated to Healing. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon and she is also a Featured Columnist for OMTimes Magazine. To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop: http://www.judilynch.com

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.
I’ve been doing this for years. Including feeling other people’s pain, heart attacks and deaths.
I am telepathically connected with someone that I consider to be close to my heart. I love telepathically communicating with them, and them with me. 🙂