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Ask Whitedove – March 2013

Ask Whitedove – March 2013


Ask Whitedove – March 2013

By Michelle Whitedove

Whitedove_psychicDear Whitedove

I was raised by very loving but controlling parents. At the age of eight, I was told that I was adopted.  I’ve often fantasized about finding my birth mother but have never actively searched.  Out of the blue, a woman contacted me claiming to be my mother but I’m suspicious of her story.  So now I’m hesitant to meet her.  Should I? ~Torn in Toronto

Dear Torn,

Pre-birth you made an agreement to come to your adopted parents. These agreements are called soul contracts.  Unable to conceive, your birth mother was merely the vehicle to make the connection for your soul growth opportunities. You were always meant to be raised by this family.  As a group, you and your adopted parents have been working out your karma and teaching each other many spiritual lessons both positive and negative.  I’d suggest that you confirm that the woman is indeed your birth mother. (I feel she is, although dysfunctional.)  Then once you are confident that she is telling the truth, you’ll feel more comfortable by developing a relationship by telephone. Only then you will be able to decide if you feel the need to bring her into your life. Just know that sometimes the birth mother is only the carrier to expedite your karma with other souls.  Adoption is a method of getting the soul to the family to fulfill their mutual karma and many times it also teaches the spiritual lesson of loss and abandonment.

Dear Whitedove

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What is the attraction and repulsion that pulls us strongly to some people and away from others? Does Karma play a part in our emotionally charged reaction to a so-called stranger?  ~Rekindled in Memphis

Dear Rekindled

Almost always the sort of attraction or repulsion between two people will stem from past life memories.  When you meet a person that you instantly love and trust chances are that they’re from your soul clan, maybe a kindred spirit or even a soul mate (as we have more than one)! On the flip side when you meet someone that you instantly distrust or even dislike with absolutely no rational reason, usually this is a karmic bond from a past life.  Perhaps that person had done you a disservice in a previous incarnation and your subconscious recognizes that soul’s energy.  The imprint is still with you.  This is often what makes it so difficult for soul’s to repay karma owed.  Remember that ALL Karma positive or negative must be repaid and reciprocated before the souls can move on from each other.  In other words, if you do something wrong to a person in this life that you cannot repay, then you will continue to meet them and work it out in future lives until you’re able to pay the debt.  These are called Karmic relationships.  The other reason for attraction or repulsion has to do with energy.  When a person emanates a positive energy, they are often repulsed by negativity.  Therefore, this is another aspect to consider.

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