Basking In Your Own Confidence
by Robin Marvel
You can really tell when a confident person enters a room. Their confidence shines like the sun! It draws others to them, everyone wants to bask in the confident energy. Are you that shining person? Or are you the person sunbathing in the confident glow of others?
Showing your confidence is a vital part of your existence. Confidence allows you to accept yourself as a whole with love and honor. Being confident does not mean judging or labeling others as beneath you or treating people like you are better then them. It means looking within yourself and discovering you hold the power to be a confident, accepting being. To show confidence, you must see the beauty in every part of you mind, body and self.
Sometimes we lose confidence in ourselves because we are trying to be number one at work, with friends and at the game, but all you need to do is be the true you from the inside out. We sacrifice living our truth for acceptance. Giving away our power.
Realizing and accepting your inner self you are able to shine in the areas that are important to you. You can let go of the fear of not fitting in and really embrace your true self. Giving you freedom. What others think of you becomes minor compared to the empowerment you feel within. Strengthening your inner being helps you to leave all the competitiveness you have been living and replace it with self love and power. You are a spectacular human being that is making a huge difference in the world each and every day!
Remember it, accept it and Be Confident!
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