Beginning Mediumship: Learning The Basics

Leanne Thomas
Are you ready to connect with spirit, angels, guides and loved ones on the side?
Do you see sparkles or shadows out of the corner of your eye?
Do you have vivid dreams with bright colors?
Do you dream of events that come true?
Do your loved ones in Heaven come to you in meditations or dreams?
Do you have a strong desire to connect to spirit?
Do you have gut feelings that are right?
Do you just know things and you are not sure why?
Do you smell things that remind you of a loved one?
If you answer yes to any of these questions then this class is for you.
Beginning Mediumship is a class designed for anyone who believes they have mediumship skills or is looking to learn more about how to connect with spirit for their own personal self development.
This foundation course covers information on:
- How to connect with your spirit guides, angels, and loved ones on the Other Side
- Setting up your sacred space,
- Clearing, grounding, and protecting of your energies
- What is mediumship and what is the difference between a psychic and a medium
You can expect to have the tool to:
- Connect personally with your guides, angels, and loved one on the Other side.
- Meditate for the purpose of gaining personal information from your Spirit Team
- Recognize the difference between getting psychic information and mediumship information
- Use the power of intention
- Clear, ground, and protect your energy and home/space
- Understand and use your “Clair” strengths
The course will be held over 6 classes, once a week for a total of 12 hours. There will be homework to support the learning process.
You will be provided with the beginners manual to support the learning process in a downloadable format.
This course will run on 6 consecutive Tuesdays beginning April 9th. April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th and 14th.
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Pacific; 9:00pm – 11:00pm Eastern (please look up times for your area)
To learn more information or to reserve your spot for the 2013 Spring course visit $50.00 hold your spot and the remaining $200.00 will be due in full before the beginning of the second class.

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