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BLISS A “Gift” From The Creator

BLISS A “Gift” From The Creator

By Nancy Oakes

You cannot become “Bliss” but you can follow it; you won’t have to go far for it’s a condition of the human heart. It takes an action to obtain, a personal choice.  No one can obtain it for you, and only you know if you have it or not.  The product of a blissful heart is contentment, a gift from the Creator.   A mysterious spiritual gift indeed!

“Bliss” is an opening of the heart, with the reward being permanent contentment.  Contentment has tremendous energy influencing our state of mind; causing a condition of calmness replacing anxiety and fear.  Following our “Bliss” is naturally what you are supposed to do, whether it is music, art, spirituality or living in a tree house with the Eagles.  Upon reaching this level of spirituality we are more balanced, and in harmony with our “Circle Of Life.”

Miracles happen at this level of freedom, you were meant to enjoy from the beginning of Creation.  An Ah Ha! moment is realized when you are doing what you always desired to do; what you were born to do.   It takes faith in a higher power, and a realization that the power comes from within.   You can wish and hope, even pray but your life will not change until you take action.   A successful life is not based on how much money you make, if that were true we would not be reading all the stories about multi millionaires unable to have peace in their lives.  The “Gift of Contentment” brings that peace of mind.  I believe it is a reconnecting spiritually to the truth of our creation.

You are supposed to be happy!

The change in your consciousness to be happy far outweighs the desire to acquire.   Acquiring things can be such a burden.   Someone could steal your things.  You may have to stay up later at night to watch your things.   You may have to build a bigger safe to store your things.   You may need a bigger house because of the bigger safe.   Does any of it really matter, ask a person who is in the process of leaving this planet because of disease or aging.    They will tell you what matters is family, a sunset, taking a long walk on a spring day and knowing things are right within your community.   What is eternal is the promise from the creator that you are special, and unique.   Your talents are precious only to you, of grand design.   You suffer in your soul if you don’t go forward, and follow your “Bliss.”   It does not matter when you figure it out. Except for your suffering, your true purpose will be waiting for you.  Living in “Bliss” causes your heart to radiate happiness; you have arrived.  Your soul rejoices and is in communion with the Creator.   Happy is doing what you came here to do.  Happy and doing what you love—it just can’t get any better than that!   Bliss is an energy, a path, an “action” you have to take.  It is a loving gift from Mother Creation, another feminine power energy.

My ancestors, the Cherokee, were living and hunting in the Great Smoky Mountains thousands of years ago. They had no fear and lived each day in a deeper sense of gratification for all that surrounded them.  Each creation including their food supply was provided by the land and was celebrated and blessed.  They danced in sacred ceremonial circles and experienced a sincere and genuine connection to the Great Spirit, and all the gifts of creation and Mother Earth.  Everyone had what they needed and no child was left without a mother.  No widow was left without a husband, and no one went hungry within the village.  The people had a great system of trade, goods for goods.  All was shared, and great respect was shown for the grandparents.  The stories of Turtle Island, Corn Women, White Buffalo Calf Women, and many more were told over and over to the children who sat quietly with respect and smiles on their faces while the elders spoke.  The smile came from knowing they were safe in the village and they would not go to bed hungry.  They realized how important they were to the elders, and they the young ones, would be the next generation, responsible for preserving the ways of their ancestors.  Great honor was placed on the children for they accepted and loved the ways of their people. The breakdown, because of colonization, of this sacred community has caused and continues to cause great suffering.

Contentment-A Lifestyle

My ancestors had no word for “Bliss.”  However, the description of their communities showed lifestyles of contentment in the hearts of the people.  Each ancient story for me is a returning to a time of serenity, a feeling of coming home.  A time when human beings trusted the Supreme Creator, and honored life.  This also explains the sacredness of the gift of “Bliss” and contentment, for this power, this energy, has been with us from the beginning of our arrival and creation. The “Divine Plan” of creation allows us the “Will” to be, only the human being has this energy which gives us dominion over all other creatures.

See Also

April – WILL   A “GIft” From the Creator

May – Imagination A “Gift” From the Creator

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Nancy Oakes, Author of  Love to the Light!, Led by Our Ancestors “A Spiritual Guide To Living In The Fifth World.  Founder of, The Spiritual Life Style Center, The Spiritual Life Style Center is a support group dedicated  to “A Life Free of Addictions.” Remembering and reconnected to the Supreme Creator. (seekers of indigenous wisdom) Nancy is also an Activist for “Free Tibet,” Member: Free Cherokee/United Lenape Band & Adopted Tribal Peoples, Rev. ULC Seminary and a proud featured writer for OM Times. Learn more by visiting:

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