Celebrate Spring: Crystals, Decluttering and Feng Shui
“The Ancient Art of Placement.”
Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) is the ancient Chinese art of placement to enhance the flow of “vital life energy” known as Qi.
Practitioners believe that rooms, buildings and all environments can be arranged and decorated in a way that maximizes the flow of Qi and, resulting in improvements to health and happiness of those who live in that environment. Although the translation of Feng Shui basically means “Wind and Water”, its scope and breathe are much deeper than this. Feng Shui is an expression of the oneness and interconnectedness of all things on all levels and all dimensions.
This is a “key concept” in understanding how our essence relates to everything else around us, including our environment. As we begin to sense this oneness we then find that it is possible to gain insight from looking at our environment on a broader scale. It is often said that “Feng Shui teaches us what we already know”.
The first lesson is to start small! Start with your desk, a closet, or one room. It is easy to get overwhelmed when deculttering. Do not allow it.
I love to clear the space of everything. Take a look at the empty space. Ahhh . Remember when this last occurred? How do you feel in this space now?
Take a look at the items you removed. One by one, look over each and every item. Do you absolutely love it? How does it serve you? Is there an emotional attachment to it? Is it a good one or a bad one?
Items with bad emotions connected to them or items you do not absolutely love or serve you, get rid of them now!
The items that you do love, why is it? How well does it serve you or play a particular purpose?
If you save it, find a great place for it, where it will do the most good.
Make a pile, box or space for all the items you do not need, want or do not serve you. You can separate them into smaller piles to give them away, gift them or sell them. Throw out the items you wish to discard ASAP. There is an amazing feeling attached to an item (or emotion) we let go of!!
Note on giving or gifting items: Charities such as the Salvation Army, shelters or churches are usually very happy to take the items you wish to give them. They usually prefer clothes to be cleaned or dry cleaned. The items you decide to gift should be something very special to a specific person who you feel would really love the item or could really benefit from it. Do not just gift it to get rid of it. It is better to just throw it out if you cannot find an appropriate outlet for it!
The power of letting go offers the possibility of two types of peace: peace of mind — the potential healing of old emotional connections, wounds, or a clearer consciousness and peace with others — the possibility of new, more gratifying relationships in the future.
It takes no strength to let go. . . only courage. Life either expands or contracts in direct proportion to your courage to let go.
By giving this fear up to the Universe to handle, you are essentially allowing yourself to let go and release this fear, and in turn, strip away any kind of meaning or significance it may have upon you.
By letting go, this allows us to move to the next level in our lives, the next natural process. Often times, this is a fear in itself. The fear of “what will happen when I DO move to my next stage in life?” Feeling protected always comes by letting go of the fear.
Feng Shui Tips for Spring
Health, Wealth and Water
Need increased prosperity? An energy boost? Perhaps better health? A tabletop fountain with the soothing sound of moving water is the appropriate cure. Whether on a desk, in the front entrance, in the kitchen or in the bedroom; nothing attracts wealth and good luck like a water fountain.
Water fountains that pool water symbolize pooling wealth. The water element is about the flow of energy, clarity and attracts Qi, life force energy. Qi enhances health and prosperity. Turn the fountain so that the water flows to the center of the room or environment for maximum results, this brings Qi and good luck into the home or office. Running water helps move positive energy through the space. It is extremely soothing, very calming and sets a nice ambiance for any room.
Money, Luck For Home or Office
Hang some small bells on the door handle on the outside of your main door of your home or office. Symbolically the sound of bells ringing announces the coming of good news and prosperity. Choose small bells made of metal, ceramic or crystal bells. When you use bells as a Feng Shui cure, you should tie them together with red thread or red ribbon. Tying the bells together with red string or thread activates the good luck remedy and sets in motion the symbolic value.
Lucky With Coins
Tape three coins tied with red thread, Yang side up, to your most important file in the office. The Yang side has four characters rather than two characters on the Yin side. This can be a sales or invoicing file or it can be your order book or the file of bank accounts. Placing the coins there will ensure your cash flow stays healthy throughout the New Year.
Hang three Chinese I-Ching coins on the door handles of the inside of your main door. Tie the coins together with red string or thread in 8-inch increments to activate the prosperity already inside.
Tie three coins with 8-inch cut red thread and put them in each handbag and wallet or purse. This activates a never-ending source of income. Three is a luck number as it represents the union of heaven, earth and man. The red thread activates the Yang energies of the coins.
Empower Your Surroundings with Crystals
Enhance mental clarity of mind and expand your thoughts by hanging a faceted crystal ball in the knowledge Bagua of your home, office or bedroom, or one in each place. For a richer effect, hang your crystal with a fishing line and add a red ribbon, cut to a multiple of 9″ in length.
Enhance your career with a crystal over your sitting position. Hang it over your head where you sit at your desk. This cure protects you from attack and stimulates an expansion of knowledge and ideas, including clearer thinking, better decisions.
Enhance inner growth, peace and deeper sleep with a crystal over or next to your bed. This cure promotes ease in falling asleep, peaceful dreams, calmness and freedom.
Consider choosing crystals to rebalance the Chakra centers. Choose seven crystals based on their colors relating to the Chakra centers.
Here are some examples:
Chakra/Crystal/Color Correspondence
The Root Chakra, 1st chakra: red or black: lodestone, ruby, garnet, smoky quartz, obsidian, onyx, hematite.
The Spleen Chakra, 2nd chakra: orange: carnelian, coral, orange jasper, orange jade
The Solar Plexus Chakra, 3rd chakra: yellow: amber, topaz, citrine, yellow calcite, yellow jasper
The Heart Chakra, 4th chakra: green or pink: emerald, tourmaline, aventurine, malachite, rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite
The Throat Chakra, 5th chakra: blue: turquoise, aquamarine, lapis, sodalite, quartz, angelite, aqua aura
The Brow Chakra, 6th chakra: purple: lapis, iolite, amethyst
The Crown Chakra, 7th chakra: white or clear: quartz, diamond, white amethyst
You may also choose crystals based on their element for seasonal energy balancing. In Feng Shui, the color for Spring is green. Consider these stones:
Agate, Aventurine, Beryl, Emerald, Jade, Nephrite or Peridot.
Find balance in your life, with the power of crystals and Feng Shui.
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Andrew Pacholyk MS, L.Ac. Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit! http://www.peacefulmind.com

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has been in the alternative health field for over 18 years. He is an expert in treating infertility and gynecology, pain management and anti-aging therapies. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training has offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy system in health as well as in disease.