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Dream Oracle: Dream Symbol of a House

Dream Oracle: Dream Symbol of a House

By Meredith Smith

The Dream Oracle brings to us the dream symbol of a house: representing the foundation of our soul.

A house within our dreams symbolizes our current life — it is the foundation of who we are, the foundation of our soul’s essence, and what our physical life represents within every changing moment of this lifetime.

Your house will change as you change, both in positive and negative ways, evolving as you evolve. At times it is quite possible you will have to restructure your house, tear down in order to rebuild, or even choose to move into a bigger or smaller house. Just remember this all has to do with YOU, the inner aspects of YOU, your physical, mentally, and spiritual self, the essence of your human spirit that symbolizes your young or old soul.

Many dreamers find deep connections of love and comfort associated with their house, while others find their house filled with strangers or fear. We are all in control of our house both internally and externally by being aware and asking ourselves the following questions upon waking: What does the house look like within your dream? How do you feel about this house? Do any rooms of the house stand out? Are you standing on the inside looking at the outside of your house? Or are you standing in your house looking out?

  • If you notice that your house is old, falling apart, or has not been kept up you may want to think about what you are not tending to within your physical, spiritual, or mental life. Is it  someone or something that is stripping away at you? Or maybe your personal thoughts are a crumbling foundation, and it is time to change perspectives? Have you stopped tending to your whole Self?
  • If you see your house as new or unfamiliar there may be a new aspect of you that is beginning to shine through. Or an aspect of you that you never took notice of before. How do you feel about this new or unfamiliar house? Do you like what you see? Or does it represent a part of you that you have chosen not to believe in?
  • If the outside of the house is familiar and looks in good condition, ask yourself how you feel about the house. Are you drawn to the house? Or do you feel disenchanted?

Each floor and room in the house represents an aspect of your overall life:

  • The ground floor represents your daily life: the present, always changing, full of activity, an energy in constant flow. What does the ground floor of your house look like? Cluttered? Empty? Full of life? Or is there a sense of comfort within all the whirling daily energy?
  • The second floor represents your mental life, what you are thinking or planning, and where you rest and learn to use your voice. What is it that you are thinking, are you in deep thought? Or do you feel scattered and unorganized? Your voice, whether small and quiet, or large and loud, is important to use and have others hear. Are you feeling mentally at peace and speaking your truth?
  • The top floor or attic is your spiritual life. Do you visit the attic often? Is this area dusty and/or cold, or do you find warmth there? Do you allow yourself to invite a place of peace where you may reconnect to yourself often?
  • The basement is your deep subconscious: Is the basement a deep mystery to you or is this where you store your memories, boxed up, rarely explored? Items, feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories kept in the basement can range from your past life to your present. However, stored items here can also be deep forgotten gear, heartache, and pain. Be careful when lurking around the basement, enter & explore when you are strong enough to unlock all aspects of the past, present, and future. Are you afraid of walking down into the basement? Is it dark? Or is your basement a place where you can retreat to?

The rooms in the house represent every aspect of your life, and the different aspects of who you are mentally, physically, spiritually:

  • The kitchen represents your diet, your intake of food. How clean is your kitchen? How you tend to yourself and nurture other people close to you is represented within your kitchen. When you enter the kitchen is it warm and inviting filled with smells and sights comforting all your senses? Or is your kitchen empty, or a mess cluttered with food and dirty dishes?
  • The living room symbolizes your daily life. Here activity and energy is in constant flow even during the peaceful moments or lonely days. How does your living room feel to you? Do you find the sun shining into it, windows open? Do you come together with friends and family here? Or is it dark and dim with curtains closed, a room you may avoid?
  • The bedroom symbolizes your secrets, your sex life, or other intimate details you may not share with others. It is a place of love, sexuality, privacy, and connection (physically, spiritually, and mentally). Do you find you retreat to your bedroom to be alone with yourself? Is your bedroom filled with passion and love? Or do you avoid your bedroom more often than the hours of sleep it allows you?
  • The bathroom represents your overall cleanliness, your need to be cleansed or to purge something physically, spiritually, or mentally out of your life. Do you enter your bathroom to cleanse? Are you finding yourself purging and then feeling a sense of lightness at waking? Or have you found that there is fear bubbling up when you enter the bathroom, never using it what it is meant for?
  • A pantry symbolizes where things are stored, all your memories, your gifts, talents, and spiritual abilities you may or may not be using. You take items from the pantry when you need them, you store items when you do not need them. It is quite possible to forget what we have stored away. The pantry is a good place to start looking for items within yourself you may need during particular moments in your life. What are you storing in your pantry? Do you find yourself opening the pantry often and retrieving items? Or is your pantry empty?

And then there are hallways within our House: Hallways are corridors between each room of your house. They are portals between aspects of your whole self. We can use these hallways to enter into higher and lower realms, or we can choose to just walk through these hallways and place no value on their existence and the possibilities of where they can lead us. Are you walking from room to room with blinkers on? Or are you moving through your corridors with an awareness of their energetic power and the doors they are capable of leading you through?

How does your house speak to you in your dreams?

See Also

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Meredith Smith is a Dream Intuitive, Author of DreamWorkers Behind the Veil; Night Shift Dreams and offers Distance Reiki Sessions / Remote Viewing sessions. Meredith is an astral traveler and dream translator existing on the boundary line of waking and dreamtime ~ she speaks in dreams.

To learn more about dreams, dream guides, afterlife communication, DreamWorkers, Night Shift Dreams, Spirits of our past & future, and Reiki & Energy Healing visit

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