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Let Love In

Let Love In

By Dana Jacoviello

Love can be a complicated word and an ocean of emotions; however, love for some people is the easiest word in the world. The one thing it is not is complicated. To love is so easy and natural when we are open to it. People in our lives come and go, but that doesn’t mean we stop loving them. There are different forms of love. When husbands and wives get divorced, maybe not in every case, but during split ups there is still some love that exists. Two people might not be in love anymore, but that doesn’t mean they stopped loving each other completely. It might be the way a parent loves a child or a child loves a parent regardless of the relationship. Parents and children don’t get along and can be estranged or even never speak again, but there will always be a love there no matter for most. Even people who thrive on hate and anger have the capacity for love if they just let go of the negative and focus on the positive.

The obvious, of course, is that we want an abundance of real, sincere, and genuine love in our lives from everybody that surrounds us. There are people in this world that just emanate such a love that it spreads like a wild fire. One would think that they must have had the most amazing, loving, caring, compassionate, and kind life and upbringing. That is not always true. It could be the complete opposite, which is why they are all about the love. Love is hard for some to let in and show. There are a variety of different reasons this may be, but we all long for it anyway. There are some that hold onto the anger, the hurt, the grudges, or stubbornness, or just don’t know how for whatever other reason is behind their trouble with letting it into their life.

Love is beautiful but also painful. We love and lose, we love and fight, we love and run, and we love and let go. Our hearts are extremely delicate and can be easily breakable, but when you intentionally fear love to try and spare yourself that heartbreak, you are robbing yourself of the grace, joy, and happiness that love brings. There was never a promise of no pain or tears, but there is always a promise of love. We are not living when our hearts are closed off or the walls we build that we tell ourselves are for protection. We have to remember that life is waiting for us. There are people who run from everything, especially love. You are missing out on life and all the amazing and good things that come along with it. You love even when we are mad or disagree. There are no terms to unconditional love, hence the unconditional part. It just comes naturally when we love with our entire being.

Love means becoming one with the people in our lives. Love brings up emotions that we all might not be that comfortable with. It doesn’t matter how you love just that you love. When people might not be loveable at that moment, you love them anyway. Love is not a part-time job that we can come and go as we please. The people we love should be shown and told as much as we can. Life is too short to not love in a big way. Telling a person is good, but showing it is even better. We are born with an innate love. We are predisposed to love, but some might not believe that to be true. We learn everything from when we are born, so why would love be any different? I recently heard a great explanation as to why our beloved pets pass on before we do. Someone told me they read somewhere on a social media site that a young boy justified this happening because we have to learn how to be kind and love and animals already know how. I thought that was one of the best things I have ever heard in a long time when discussing love.

Love is everywhere and all around us. We just have to welcome it. It is the best feeling in the world. Just breathe…and let in.

See Also
Rose Quartz

Smile Big, be kind, live, love big, and laugh

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