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March 2013 Oracle: Discrimination

March 2013 Oracle: Discrimination

By Darity Wesley

Discrimination –    The energies and directions for the month of March are evolving around the exercise and integration of discrimination.  There are many changes afoot as you may or may not have noticed and this third month of this new year of this New World, of this new aeon, definitely requires that you be discriminating in all your decision and actions this month.

Now, this energy of discriminating perspective over this month is not how we generally think of discrimination.  I’m sure you got that?  Right? We are not talking about discrimination against others like being a bigot.  Not hating, being intolerant or using favoritism.  Of course not.  From the Oracle’s standpoint, for your purposes this month, it is about tuning into and making distinctions. There are and will continue to be opportunities galore coming up – so much of what you have wanted and have been flowing energy toward for maybe even years, is moving into truest manifestation this year along with lots of other situations which you have maybe only mentioned in your meditations and prayers but which are going to be showing up as a part of your new story, your new way of life.  The new true you, so to speak.  These, what Solara ( calls “melons,” will be falling out of the sky one after the other.  Do not let them go by.  Check out each and every one of them.  No matter what!!!  Let nothing pass your discrimination.

When faced with opportunities, decisions, challenges, or even heartbreak, this month, because you are truly on one heck of a roller coaster ride of enormous proportions now, how you use your insights, judgments, and how you weigh the pros and cons, even how you react, is about you using your discrimination.  Whether personal, professional or spiritual, know that all levels are involved this month, even the entire year.  I think we all have a sense that we are preparing for something huge.  It is coming.  Even though we don’t know what it is or how it will appear, we feel it, we sense it and we know it is happening on many different levels.  So, while all this is energetically going on for each and every one of us in various ways, some noticing it more than others, the need for use of your discrimination must come to the forefront of your mind immediately, no matter what has confronted you or what is in front of you!

After analyses, after weighing the pros and cons, comes the next level of discrimination, that of distinguishing between whether you are intellectualizing, thinking, thinking, thinking using only the mind or whether you have stepped into listening to your heart, listening to your intuition, getting in touch with some feelings on the subject.  While the intellect ruled the previous world, the Old World, the New World, the new energy flows over us when we make our final decisions from the heart, from our knowingness beyond the mind.

I understand there is a word with complex meaning, no equivalent in English and, evidentially, relatively difficult to explain if one is not familiar with eastern religions. The word is Buddhi.  It is, generally speaking, “discriminating intelligence” and in those philosophies, it is said to exist within each of us.  This discriminating intelligence is what gives you the power to decide what is good for you and what is not.  It influences the way you understand and interpret your experience, how you take actions and make decisions, how you develop beliefs and prejudices, among many other things.  According to Hindu scriptures, most human problems in life can be traced to deficiencies in your Buddhi.  It evidentially becomes clouded by the desire for sense objects or by the desire for or attraction to the material, the external world, “things?”  Buddhi is not just the power of discretion and judgment, it is perception, comprehension, understanding, intelligence, rationality, wisdom, mindfulness, and presence of mind all working together to keep you attuned to the world so that you can deal with it wisely, appropriately and effectively.

Bringing all this to mind and keeping it at hand as the month of March unfolds will be important if you want to expand who you are because this is the level of depth required in the new world for riding the wave, surfing the energies at play in the Universe at this time.  So, not only are you to contemplate how to bring more of your Buddhi up from the depths of your being, but you are to bring it forth to a degree you never have before.  You have always used some of it at some level, but now, now is the time to integrate it into your spiritual practices, your life practices in the new world as the new, evolving, expanding you.  Having gone deeper, you can now experience your Buddhi, your discriminating intelligence, discrimination, more fully than ever before.  So, with eyes wide open, fully alert, exercise your Buddhi at every twist and turn of events!  Take time to do whatever it takes to keep yourself grounded in knowing that All Really Is Well and that you are exercising the authenticity of being who you are by using your discrimination.

As always, this Oracle’s guidance is here for the expansion of your Spirit to support the fulfillment of your purpose…which is what you came here to do and why you chose to be on the planet at this time. So remember, by focusing on rising and expanding your Buddhi, your discrimination from the heart, Spirit will deepen your spiritual experience each and every step of the way and you will find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what and remember…LOVE is all you need…it will propel you more and more into the expansion of who you really are!

See Also
Bridges to heaven_omtimes

Let your mantra for the month of March be:  I support my Self with perception, understanding and wisdom every step of the way…And So It Is!!!

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Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter.  @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.

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