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Power of Our Choices

Power of Our Choices

By Lisa Salaz

We all are born with the knowing that we are the creator of our own reality, this passion dwells within us in a powerful way. As we began to integrate into our society we start to accept the way others “think” our life should unfold.  But we have the choice; now is your time to reactivate the powerful knowing that pulses within the very core of the “I AM” of who we are; the joy of being!

You are free and always have been, for you are the creator of your own experience, and there is such satisfaction in intentionally guiding your own life to experience outrageous joy! It’s about remembering who you really are, the physical extension of source energy.  You are your very own creator once you align with what makes your heart sing; the non-physical energy that creates worlds will flow through you, vibrating passion, enthusiasm, and triumph – this is your destiny.

The stronger you link into your source energy, the more clarity you will have understanding your past and looking into your future.  Realizing your potential will take place as you focus your creative power and experience the absolute bliss of watching all manner of things converge to assist you in the creation of your own specific desires.

Remember the better you feel, the more you are allowing the connection; the worst you feel, the less you are allowing it.  By paying attention to how you feel you can continue with your intended expansion of manifestation.  This is putting vibrational harmony with a vision that you desire. Play with it as if you are already living it and see how it feels to you. Staying consistent with this thought, you’re creating an experience; this is the power of your choice.  Heavenly Love, ~Lisa Salaz

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