Shirley MacLaine was right: I AM God!

By William Bezanson
For some 25 years I have had a troubling struggle with Shirley MacLaine’s autobiographical book and movie Out on a Limb.
MacLaine was featured in the January 2012 edition of OMTimes, and that feature prompted me to consider this topic for an article.
Her book was published in 1983 and the movie was released in 1987. The essential message of each is that New Age spirituality is valid, with its advocacy of higher truths such as astral projection, reincarnation, karma, soul channeling, and related topics. The climax of the movie, for me, depicted MacLaine spinning ecstatically on a beach boldly proclaiming, with outstretched arms, “I am God!”
It is perhaps surprising that I would have a struggle with such a book and movie. For some 35 years I have been a member of one or more Rosicrucian orders, which teach many of the above spiritual topics, and more. So why was I troubled?
The answer has to do with my struggles between the orthodoxy of the Anglican (Episcopal) church and the mysticism of the Rosicrucian Order.
It all started around the winter of 1987, when I went on a family Christian retreat weekend at a remote country lodge. There were about fifty people there, and the general mood was one of evangelism, with raised, worshiping hands and lots of charismatic praising of Jesus. Immediately I felt uncomfortable in such company, but I had somehow signed up for the event, and there I was, stuck, with my family and various church friends.

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Gibberish and unbiblical; proven wrong with but only one verse, and there are plenty of others. God lets us know in Isaiah that we are NOT Him.
Isaiah 55:9
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
That’s in the OT, in the NT we see that the Holy Spirit can live in us as Christians (reside in our
temple/body), but that by no means makes us the Spirit/Jesus/God.
Please don’t listen to this writer and be fooled…