Shirley MacLaine was right: I AM God!
I became enthralled with her work, especially the movie, which I viewed again while preparing to write this article. It struck a chord in me, which I only realized many years later, with her falling in love with a man at first sight, later to realize that it was because they had been married in a previous incarnation.
So, MacLaine’s work was greatly inspiring for me, after I got over the consequent conflict with my Church membership. However, I had grown beyond her message over the years, and found no more inspiration from it. It was as if I had evolved my own message, and now it seemed time to proclaim it.
MacLaine’s spiritual work rode on the crest of the New Age movement in the 1980s. I owe a lot to her spiritual adventures. But I now believe that her work helped to prepare people to be ready to accept a more advanced message. With the world and humanity now plunging downward toward implosion on many fronts, it is essential for us who are seekers of a higher purpose to help bring them back onto the path to Light.
After a great many years of biting my tongue, afraid of rejection in my church, I now accept the responsibility to teach my truth, my understanding of Truth:
- Shirley MacLaine was right: She is God! I also am God! And you, dear reader, you also are God!
- We are all One! And All is God!
- For us to survive and to evolve spiritually, we must evolve our consciousness to look beyond the reality of the world’s illusions to the actuality of our Oneness with All.
These statements can best, and perhaps only, be understood from a mystical viewpoint. Part of my mission is to help people understand them. Taken literally, “I am God” seems blasphemous, arrogant, and misled. Perhaps “I am one with God” might be more acceptable. But mystics and philosophers from the medieval Meister Eckhart, to the modern Thomas Merton, to the current Ken Wilber, confirm their view of the stronger statement, essentially agreeing with MacLaine.
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Gibberish and unbiblical; proven wrong with but only one verse, and there are plenty of others. God lets us know in Isaiah that we are NOT Him.
Isaiah 55:9
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
That’s in the OT, in the NT we see that the Holy Spirit can live in us as Christians (reside in our
temple/body), but that by no means makes us the Spirit/Jesus/God.
Please don’t listen to this writer and be fooled…