Wrinkles – Your Own Personal Stress Gauges
By Michelle Butt
Our bodies give us many indicators of stress, tension headaches, tightening in the neck and shoulders, for example. However, did you know that your face reveals your stress levels as well, and can tell you just what kind of stress you are experiencing? Being able to recognize the indicators of stress on your face, can give you the ability to stop and re-evaluate what is going on in your life at the moment, change your behavior and potentially reduce certain kinds of wrinkles on your face.
Our faces reveal our emotional nature, so if our emotions are out of balance, we will begin to see changes occurring in our faces. If we don’t deal with the emotional imbalances, the changes can become permanent. They become part of our story. There are certain kinds of wrinkles that occur on our faces that are specifically related to stress-related emotions. Sometimes the wrinkles can show up as early warning signs for us to recognize the toll the emotional imbalance is taking on us. If the imbalance is prolonged, the wrinkles can become permanent. BUT if the emotions are dealt with, the warning sign wrinkles can fade and in some cases completely disappear.
Here are some wrinkles to look for in your own face as indicators of stress:
Horizontal Lines or Wrinkles Just above Your Eyebrows
If you see horizontal lines above the eyebrows that do not connect in the middle, then chances are one of the causes of your stress is worry. These lines indicate a pattern of worry in your life. Perhaps you are a worrier in general or there is something significant in your life that is currently causing you to worry more like a loss of job, an ill loved one, or financial burdens. When you recognize this sign on your face, it may be time to change your behavior. A chronic worrier can seek help as to finding ways to reassure herself that things really are ok. For someone who is worrying about a specific current situation, sometimes finding a coach, clergyman or trusted confidante can help assuage the worry and provide solutions to the problem.
Vertical Lines or Wrinkles on your Lower Cheeks
Wrinkles that appear as vertical lines on the lower cheeks, anywhere in the space between the ears and the mouth, are considered lack lines in Face Reading. These lines are warning signs that there is a something that is lacking in your life that is causing you stress. In essence, you are feeling deprived of something significant in your life and it is big enough to show up on your face. Lack lines can be signs of financial stress (not enough money), emotional stress (not enough love), burning the candle at both ends (not enough downtime, being overworked), to name a few. I’ve even seen them appear go on college students’ faces when they are cramming for exams and disappear once they start sleeping regularly again. These lines, in particular are telling you that you need to identify what it is that you are currently lacking in your life and make some changes fast. Lack lines often come and go on a face so if you see them appear, it’s time to do some work to clear up that stress and watch them disappear.
Vertical Line or Wrinkle around the Lips
People often hold stress in their mouths. When you are stressed you can purse or tense your lips causing them to appear thinner over time or causing little vertical lines to develop along the top of your upper lip and/or bottom or your bottom lip. Often times you see the tightening of the lips occurring when you are feeling extreme stress from shame. Find a picture of any politician caught in a scandal and you will see this clearly. However, on an everyday basis the lines around the lip are of major concern. This is a telltale sign that you have been giving way too much of yourself in your lifetime in general or in the current stressful situation. As a result, you have not been taking enough care of you. The mouth is about nurturing in Face Reading and when these types of lines develop here it means that you have not been nurturing yourself enough. This is cause for concern because if you are putting yourself last, not only will your face start showing it, your health will too. If you see these lines on your face, you must take some time for you, find ways to get downtime, to recharge and nurture your own needs, so that you can continue to be there for those that you are giving to in your life in balance with your own needs and health.
Our faces are our very own emotional balance gauges. Our wrinkles aren’t signs of aging; they are signs of our emotions, and life experience, there for us to see everyday when we look in the mirror. When we identify signs on our faces of emotional or energetic imbalance and begin the process of bringing ourselves back into balance, our face will tell us that we are on the right track. Those lines may begin to fade, the light in our eyes will brighten, and the dark circles lessen. Knowing the story of you your face is telling is the first step in writing the next chapter of your life, the way you want it, potentially stress and wrinkle free!
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About the Author
Michelle Butt is a Face Reading Practitioner, and Certified Master Coach. She is also a contributing author to the book, Ready, Aim, Captivate! featuring Deepak Chopra. Michelle’s goal in life is to assist others in truly understanding who they are, what they are saying to the world, at all times, by all means, and to guide them to achieving the joyful, fulfilling, successful lives that they desire. www.atfacevalu.com or email: michelle@atfacevalu.com

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