2013 Aries New Moon

April 10, 2013 2:36 AM PDT / 5:36 AM EDT / 9:36 AM GMT 20 Aries 40
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” — Johann Wolfgang van Goethe Spring is always a time of new beginnings and growth. The first new moon of the season will prolong its vibe with a vengeance. Wednesday’s Aries New Moon captures the exciting initiating impulses that have been detonating and keeps them burning for the rest of the season.
The fiery energy has been ramping up since the middle of March, when the planetary emphasis began shifting from the gentle, all-encompassing, logic-scrambling, Kumbaya-singing of Pisces to the independent, trailblazing, shoot/leap-first-and-ask-questions-later bravado of Aries. Ideas, projects, situations and possibilities have been proliferating like popcorn (hence the video I shot for this week’s Astro-Insight forecast). Some are new. Some are nuggets that went quiet long ago and are now roaring back to life. All have a life force packed with steroids and exciting, innovative and far-reaching growth potential.
These are the seeds of a future unlike any we have experienced, and this New Moon catapults them — and us — into it. Every body that is currently in Aries has met with Uranus, the agent of radical, unpredictable change, and is still resounding with its perspective-tilting genius.
The innovation and electricity inherent in that not only color the New Moon, but get a boost from the fusing of heart and drive that happened with last weekend’s Venus/Mars conjunction. This conjunction, which fused desire and creativity to the drive to bring them into being, is core to this New Moon.. The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon is very close to Venus and Mars’ meeting place. Mars and then Venus are the last two contacts the Moon makes by declination before fusing with the Sun, so she brings their passionate, dynamic collaboration into her own new phase. (The Sun’s last major contact is a door-opening link to Jupiter, who contributes his golden touch and expansive bent to the growth potential.) She rolls their magic out into the future as well, since the two archetypal lovers are the first to greet the Moon when she leaves the Sun.
What does this mean for you? You are in an unparalleled time for launching anything. Thinking is not the route; instead, the way to go is responding to impulses that roar up from within (and flare up around you as well). If ever you were going to take risks or dare or try out something you might have previously considered crazy, do it now.
Not everything will take, of course, but you’ll be surprised how much will lead to something tangible. Even letting off steam –or more fiery impulses — could prove beneficial. if you have a temper tantrum (seen any of those lately?) or feel the burn of ancient wrongs, you may well be adding fuel to your momentum.
So dare. Just do it. What’s beginning or developing now has properties that will fire like booster rockets time and again.
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Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.