2013 Think Magnificently: “Will” a Gift From the Creator
By Nancy Oakes
Part Three: in the Think Magnificently Series
This is our third month of exploring “Gifts.” Spiritual energies given to only humanity, based on an ancient mandala, “The Medicine Wheel.” In January we discussed the gift of DISCERNMENT, “Return of the Sacred Feminine.” March’s article shared the spiritual energy of BLISS, “A Gift From the Creator.” This month, April, we are stepping out of the gloom of winter to our WILL ”Freedom.” April is the month of great awakening, when the soil, air and water warm up in North America. The wildflowers begin to bloom, the days become longer, signaling the buds on all the trees to come alive for another year. Birds begin to prepare nests for their eggs. What a perfect month to begin thinking about the gift of “Will.” The Sun blesses us with the warm spring weather, soon we will be thinking about our gardens of vegetables and flowers. The earth wakes up and humanity wakes up from our winter slumber. Becoming alive, reborn! It happens every year right on time, have you ever given it much thought?
You may have noticed an underlying truth in all the spiritual energy gifts explained thus far, “Freedom.” Freedom is the first, essential aspect of living life to the fullest for a human. Life is the space we live in, bringing together all our gifts, talents, and joy. Anything less than freedom is survival, or simply existing. Slavery goes centuries back before our own sad history of colonization in America. Slavery is in direct conflict with the “Divine Plan.” Slavery is the greatest sin against humanity. It robs humans of their birthrights, cultures; and the first commandment and promise from the creator, freedom. This is a birthright that we are being reminded of with the ushering in of the new era, The Golden Age, The Fifth Word. Globally people are demanding freedom. This new energy did not just arrive on December 22, 2012, it has been churning like hot lava for centuries. Millions of people are aware and becoming light workers for freedom.
Will, another feminine energy. Why would we call this gift feminine? The results of practicing and recognizing the gift of Will leads to generosity and a true connection to your birthright, (no surprise, correct?) freedom. In the past age men have been out of balance. This patriarchal structure has created wars, dictatorships, and slavery. Human beings forgot how to connect to this spiritual energy centuries ago, or were deceived about the power of Will. What we have had in the past from those in authority, governments and churches has been a patriarch structure not aligned with free will or freedom for the people of Earth. Religions leaders and governments who demand obedience to their rules and dogma take away your right to make decisions based on your own understanding. Human beings are capable of living honorably based on their own spiritual self-awareness and alignment to the Creator.
WILL- A Love Gift
The Creator gave humans a special gift upon creation, that no other living creator enjoys, and what a powerful gift it is. The gift of WILL is given to each child born after the first arrivals. Imagine this, within the womb, a beautiful, perfect being is created. Perfection because human beings are a reflection of the Supreme Creator, designed within “A Divine Plan”, a reflection of the image of the “All Knowing.” Then the Creator gave to that being a wondrous garden full of food, water, sunlight and no fear. Then the Creator said, “You are free!” Think about this for a moment, what a tremendous gift and possibility we have been given. No matter how beautiful a garden paradise is, you will still try to escape if you are not free to explore, discover and make your own way according to your will. Even greater the suffering becomes if you are enslaved in an environment that you have no freedom to worship, practice your culture ceremonies, or even be who you want to be.
Will is the spark, the motivator, a very personal gift. It is yours, there is no right or wrong involved with your own free will. There are consequences to pay if you don’t use good judgement, and take responsibility with your free will, but that’s your choice also. The Creator would so love and appreciate humans who worshiped the creation and are good caregivers, honoring the miracle of childbirth. We are never forced against our Will by the Supreme Creator, the guardians, or angels. In the beginning Earth was created to be a free will zone, no one has the permission to manipulate, or cause you to obey out of fear especially spiritually.
Will, this great spiritual energy is the fire that becomes your determination to complete your life’s purpose, you are a prearranged presence.
Just Be!
- Great pleasure comes from being aligned within your own WILL. You cannot be happy unless you are in your own WILL. You have to be who you are.
Be Free!
2. Your gift of Will is your birthright. The first gift given after your breath of life.
Be Willing!
3. Labors of love-generosity, volunteer services, the desire to help humanity comes from a willing heart. (Same love energy as given from the Creator)
Your Will is your personal roadmap. You began designing your life before you were born. The Universe has anxiously been awaiting for humankind to accept and to honor their assignments. The design is up to you, always a circle, from birth to reincarnation, our journeys, our lessons, our heartaches, our happiness, all a circle never ending; you never end. Your own personal energy, your fire, lessons and mistakes blow across your life guided by the power from within. Your own Will frees you to become you, lovingly leading you through life allowing you the freedom to reconnect to the Source of Life.
Our will belongs to us, its who we are, this is a truth we are beginning to remember.
This new information is not a ticking clock, you can’t miss it nor be left behind; you will arrive at just the right time to receive what you need. An illustrated road map for your spiritual journey, an ancient truth from the beginning of creation. It is sacred, unchanging and becomes a tool for our use today, “A spiritual guide to living in The Fifth World.” Your spiritual Will is a connection and provides guidance for the heart, and soul in the new era. Fear will not rule our hearts in the “New World” for we have shifted to a new consciousness having awakened to the Creators “Divine” plan of Oneness. Fear is a negative energy that causes you to be disconnected, separates from your inner truth, losing confidence in your sacred birthright. Your arrival. “A Promise” a prearranged presence on this planet, given free will to be the best you can be. Look for my article in the May edition. We have an exciting gift to review-IMAGINATION! Did you know that this is a spiritual energy gift from the Creator. My Cherokee heritage tells me that you are not living life to it’s fullest unless you understand the gift of Imagination. My people imagined a time when the everyone would honor Mother Earth, and women would return to her sacred position in the community, and the planet. Have a great spring!
Think More Magnificently: 2013 Think Magnificently: It’s Your Birthright!
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Nancy Oakes, Author of, Love to the Light!, Led by Our Ancestors “A spiritual guide to Living in the Fifth World” Founder of, The Spiritual Life Style Center, (seekers of indigenous wisdom) Featured Writer, OM Times Magazine. Activist for “Free Tibet”, Member: Free Cherokee/United Lenape Band & Adopted Tribal Peoples, Rev. ULC Seminary, Graduate- Barbara Marx Hubbard, Agent of Conscious Evolution, Graduate- James O’Dea, Peace Ambassador, Guide, Barbara Marx Hubbard/Shift Network-Guides and Mentors Program, Life Coaching for healthy living based on Remembering Who You Are, and Reconnecting-A Life Free of Addiction www.lovetothelight.weebly.com

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