Are You Awake or Asleep???
We ask so many questions to clarify our doubts. But do we ask ourselves, “Am I awake or asleep?” This is a simple question that needs moment-to-moment clarification. If we keep responding to this question with a positive response, then we are awakening to the reality of life.
As we practice being awakened to our silent soul within the serpent power at the base of the spine, it rises, gradually opening up subtler realms of spiritual reality that are imbedded in our Spirit. We become more mindful of our inner and outer worlds of energy fields. We react less, and respond more. Our reactions to stress responses are reduced. Worries are dispelled. Anxieties dissipate in the heart of tranquility and equanimity.
But how can any of us reach this awakened state of Being?
Begin by doing things mindfully. If you are filling a glass with water, do it with full attention on the process of touching the glass, the weight of the glass, the sound of the water, and by noticing all of your perceptions; just be mindful of the ACT. Your practice will grow slowly. Start with one or two such acts, do it right, and then move to the next. ?Don’t expect too much, enjoy your non-meditation time with relaxation by praying to God and your Higher Spirit for help and support.
A difficult part is that you may be mindful or meditative for a while after reading an inspirational quotation, but then the conscious mind will be pulled by the unconsciousness mind, and you will lose your mindful state. ?So, you need to continue in your daily effort to be awake and conscious without daydreaming. That is a more important task at hand for a seeker of Truth.
Begin to notice how often you pay the price for being unmindful. We hardly ever know what awaits us in each moment! This is the reason it is so good to remember God at the beginning, middle and end of any work, just to allow yourself to be mindful. Only a spiritually awakened person can discriminate between what is personally beneficial and what is not beneficial in any given period of time, in order to avoid the consequences of cause and effect.
Awaken to your Inner Power that is the Positive state of your mind. Say all the time, “All is well in my life. God is taking care of me, and I love myself as I am. ?I am a happy soul.” ??Even if in reality you are an unhappy soul, just don’t accept it, say the opposite, the positive thing. ?As you say that all is well in your life, with love and faith and trust, you will start to create great power within you to boost you to wonderful beginnings.
If you are awake, then you can instantly stop negative thought processes and say to yourself, “I am the child of Eternal Light, no negativity can ever touch me, I believe this with all my heart and soul.”
Your urge to be conscious of your Indwelling Spirit in all that you do will gradually wake you up to the state of spontaneous Awakening. A child tells her mother, “Mom, I am going to sleep now, please wake me up when I feel the urge to go to the toilet.” ?The mother answers, “My child, your urge will wake you up!!” ? The Divine Mother is saying to you all the time, “It is your deepest yearning to Be Awake that is important.”
The whole process is your awakening to your mind’s self-management, which unfortunately no universities in the world care to teach. The more you become aware of your strengths and your weaknesses, the greater is the possibility for you to reinforce your strengths and work vigilantly to transform your weaknesses into strengths of your character. The whole universe is continually supporting you if only you accept, acknowledge, and arise to the situations that demand your Mindfulness.
Keep working with mindfulness throughout the day. When you retire to bed, at the end of the day, sit erect, relax your body, focus your mind on your breathing and feel a sense of calm descending upon your being. At that point, impregnate your subconscious mind with positive affirmations of how good you want to see your life to be. When your mind is calm and your body relaxed, the gateway to universal intelligence opens up and whatever you communicate reaches the subtler regions of your being. Your transformation is assured. You’re on your way to freedom and spontaneous Awakening.
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Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari (Kolkata, India): Globally acclaimed motivational teacher (mindfulness meditation, stress reduction) author, peacemaker (Man of Peace Award 2012) Visionary social advocate; founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission, 1985, which serves thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in India. (Lifetime Achievement Award, House of Lords, UK, 2015)