Astrology Forecast for April 15-21, 2013
Monday: The new earthy, sensual vibe starts the wee, with Venus returning home to Taurus well before dawn EDT. Her comfort translates into ours. It’s a day of feeling good about yourself and about simply being alive. Watch for the opportunity to take practical action toward a heart-based goal. The later part of the day is suited for the simply being alive part, since the Moon is void of course from 3:42 PM EDT until 10:50 PM. If you’re looking for insight, tonight is a fertile one for requesting guidance in a dream. (Specify that it come in imager that you understand and remember.)
Tuesday: The feeling of happy-making comfort continues through the pre-dawn hours. Within that safety blanket, dreams explore deep-rooted fears and conversation topics that are clamoring to be addressed. The journey ends in a lovely outpouring of compassion and guidance (for yourself, at minimum). Float on that throughout the morning. Confusion may mount, but take heart: The afternoon puts you through a gauntlet that helps you make sense of, ground and benefit from the ongoing rumblings of change. Tonight’s another productive one for requesting dream guidance.
Wednesday: Answers come overnight, whether you ask for them or not. You may wake up understanding a situation (and particularly other people’s behavior) as never before. Your trust in your own intuition or link to guidance could be greater as well. Hang on to that certainty. Motivations are cloudy as the day progresses; pushes for particular outcomes spin out into confusion or vanish in a poof. Hold tight. By evening, your hand is firmly on the steering wheel — as your foot mashes down on the accelerator.
Thursday: The dreamworld sheds some of the happy-cozy atmosphere it’s enjoyed this week. Anxieties creep in — about a relationship, about paying your bills, about the prospect of being denied what you want. Whatever they concern, they fuel a drive and dissatisfaction. Just be sure not to vent that at any particular person — although the temptation to grandstand and go over the top, even, will grow all day long. Helpful guideline: Is it worth it? Fix your eye on the glamour — as in, fanciful trappings passing for reality — and you will recognize the real deal when it surfaces late evening. Could be true love; could be heaven-sent; will be heart-opening and nourishing. Do you have writing materials at your bedside?
Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.