Be Here Now: Astrology Forecast for April 29 – May 5, 2013

Spring is bringing a bumper crop of acute, relentless realizations, revelations and life-altering developments. As much as they give cause for contemplation, none of them is theoretical or hypothetical. Every aspect of life is pushing our attention to the physical, the concrete, the practical, the here and now. The theme of the week: making it real.
The sky now has an emphasis in Taurus, the first and most simply, unassumingly earth sign. Taurus values what it can possess, consume and experience through the physical senses and in the physical world. That is the governing framework now; that defines every conversation, in our heads and with others. No matter whether the subject is an ending, upheaval or welcome new development, the inquiry is: What does it mean in practical terms? For me? How does it affect my money/relationships/food supply/leisure time/stuff? How does this project/inspiration/connection/opportunity go from concept into being? The answers we reach will play into the decisions, developments and new directions shooting out from next week’s Taurus New Moon
On Wednesday, Mercury, ruler of how we communicate and get around, enters this realm and replaces the impulsiveness, risk-taking, swagger and aggression of Aries with the calm, slowed, chewing deliberateness of Taurus. The prevailing approach has gone from a two-fisted “I’ll show you” attitude to an energy-conserving “Show me.” Inquiries and conversations are turning to practicalities, nuts and bolts, how-tos and satisfaction you can hold or take to the bank.
Mercury is answering to Venus, goddess of our worldly valuables and mistress of this sign, whose concerns and preferences color the topics we’re drawn to discuss and ponder. With Mars and the Sun in her dominion, she’s influencing the activities that attract us now and holding sway over our agendas, our drive and the masculine as well. Desires are tangible, palpable, sensual and immediate, and we are motivated to make them happen.
This emphasis on one sign continues a trend we’ve had since February. We’ve experienced a concentration of bodies first in Pisces, then Aries, and now Taurus; later in May, the same is coming with Gemini. It’s as if we’re in training, being immersed one a mode of energetic expression and then moving on to the next.
The current course of study involves dealing with life on the earth plane, in the earth and now. As we proceed through the eclipse gauntlet, as inner and outer landscapes crack open, reshape and birth new landmasses, return to the worldly and the tangible. Bring information down into data you can grasp and work. Sink into your body and experiences of the senses. Breathe in the aromas of flowers and fresh herbs; go outside and sink your feet into the grass or dirt; hug, yes, a tree. And don’t forget to dance.
This week will have more rocking and rolling, more splitting and cracking, more revelations and sharp perceptions. Bouts of testing, frustration and hitting limits are likely as Mars opposes Saturn midweek. We are, however, standing ever more firmly in our personal truth and power, as will be shown by the Sun and Mars contacting the clarifying scythe of Pluto on Wednesday and Sunday.
As we see and accept truths about ourselves and others, we redefine ourselves and a variety of situations — choosing our battles and walking away from some, shedding constructs that don’t fit our truth or, I’m increasingly observing, match our personal ethics, taking steps that enhance our worth and express our power in a healthy way, even if those steps privately scare the daylights out of us.
For the longer term context, please read my article about the Scorpio Full Moon lunar eclipse, which discuss what’s in effect for the next four weeks and beyond from the spring’s dynamic cluster of aspects.
Monday: Prep tip for the day: periodically quiet and empty yourself and check in with your guidance. The drive to “do” builds with the day. You can accomplish a terrific amount in empirically verifiable ways and feel remarkably grounded and good about yourself in the process. Put writing materials by your bed; everyone’s processing overnight.
Tuesday: Dreams explore the events and realizations that have rocked our world recently. The journey lands you in your own private cave, where demons lurk and jewels reside. The jewels are your strengths and fiercest attributes. See if you don’t feel a powerful resolve and inner knowing as you start your day. Sort through dream fragments if you can’t perceive it. You’re adjusting to the twists and turns and reworking your definition of yourself to fit them — and rolling with the punches so much more easily when new twists, breaks or eruptions hit. The afternoon is increasingly expansive, indulgent and social. What good is sitting alone in your room….
Wednesday: Even with as radically as life is shifting, certain developments aren’t happening quickly enough for you. Frustration and delays color the overnight hours; a lack of a critical resource (time, money) may be an issue. Mercury moves into Taurus today, in time for a May Day celebration in the garden. Priorities and self-awareness are becoming clearer and more narrowly, unapologetically defined. Remain firmly in yourself (let others tend to their own business) and you may glimpse a different view of certain important situations — seeing past the smoke and mirrors, perhaps. The overnight frustrations carry on into the day. It’s hard to get motivated, to get moving, or to get anything much to happen. Walls and “Nos” keep popping up. Push off from them like a lap swimmer uses the edge of the pool. Maybe the point is to linger in the garden? Writing materials at the bedside will prove handy.
Thursday: You could figure out a lot overnight. Your psyche figures out a path to progress; your inner engine kicks in. New approaches dangle before you and disrupt sleep. (Those writing materials could capture a middle of the night Eureka moment.) You are ready and willing to push yourself. Dissatisfaction could be key but isn’t a given. Solid, stable, steady progress rolls out with the day. Focus on what’s in front of you moment by moment and you may experience time expanding vastly, as if each moment is endless — not dauntingly, but awe-inspiringly so. Guidance is freely available and accurate to boot. Conversations go easily, too, perhaps unnervingly so; you might be in the right place at the right time (or led to the same) and just a bit freaked out by the serendipity. Pursue any topics and connections you’ve been considering, though, and be open to overtures coming at you. Social media will be buzzing well into the wee hours, so steer clear if you want or need to turn in early. The Moon goes void of course at 12:25 AM EDT.
Friday: The Moon is void of course until 2:26 PM EDT, which means: go with the flow until then, and do not push anything through, because it is likely to unravel or not amount to anything afterwards. Keep that in mind as you pass through the day’s edgy start. Yesterday’s communication flood has been dammed, for the moment. It will flow again. Don’t attach to discomfort or anxieties; they won’t be important soon. A gentle (for these days) afternoon flows into an evening and night with the potential for magic. Open your heart; lead with your guidance; allow yourself to express and receive love, compassion and kindness in their highest, most soulful forms. Even if you spend the evening sharing a bottle of wine with friends, it could be a sparkling, memorable moment outside of normal time.
Saturday: No rest today. Everybody is geared and girded for action. Follow your instincts rather than an intellectually constructed to-do list. That fuels you in a way that makes it possible to accomplish more with less effort and time. (Could be you’re learning to bend that, too.) Efficiency and precision lead to personal pats on the back and feeling very good about yourself in general. The evening is another one of mushrooming energy and interactions, much like Thursday. One leads to two leads to an entire package of cookies being eaten. Metaphorically, and possibly actually. The Moon goes void of course at 11:33 PM EDT until tomorrow evening.
Sunday: The Moon is void of course until 9:04 PM. Treat yourself to a holiday, or a day out of time. Recent doorways to communication are shut for the moment, but they have windows that allow you to look at the situation through the barrier. Focus on pleasant interactions and do not attach to undercurrents of irritation or anxiety. As with Friday’s, they might not amount to much later. Besides, their importance for the moment is the information they have about you, so if you choose to pay attention to them, follow them within. Your most profitable and lasting point of focus lies there. Mars is in an easy flow to the regenerative powers and primal impulses of Pluto — a collaboration that facilitates breaking an addiction, staring down fears, remaking your psyche and boldly revamping structures.
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For another take on this week’s events, listen to my five-minute podcast.
Want to get personal? Learn more about astrology’s role in your everyday life with personalized conultations. Visit Kathy Biehl at Empowerment Unlimited.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.